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Using the power of Mana, a civilization had grown strong...
In time, Mana was used to create the ultimate weapon: the Mana Fortress...
This angered the gods. They sent their beasts to destroy the Fortress...
A violent war rocked the world, and Mana seemed to disappear...
Before all was lost, a hero with the Mana Sword smashed the Fortress...
Though the civilization had been destroyed, the world was peaceful again...
But time flows like a river...
and history repeats...

Secret of Mana was originally released in Japan in 1992. It was original in it's gameplay. It is very similar to Secret of Evermore except the magic system is much less limited. Most people agree that this is better. Also it is (I believe) the first RPG for 3 players (if I'm wrong, e-mail me). I plan to have a walkthrough and some lists on this site. So far all I have is the walkthrough.

Secret of Mana Index:
Walkthrough WARNING: SPOILER!! I didn't write this, but the site I got it from isn't there anymore

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