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Dragons are just a small piece of mythology.Not only were they a part of mythology, but they have been a part of Chinese and Vietnamese history.

The Chinese dragon, Lung, was a bringer of rain. Throughout Chinese history the dragon has been associated with weather. It is said that when there is a great flood, a mortal has upset a dragon. Dragons were also a sign of the emperor, whose wisdom and divine powerassured the well-being of his subjects. Many legends draw connections between the dragon and the emperor.Some emperors say that they evolved from the dragon.

The Vietnamese dragon had the head of a camel, horns of a deer, eyes of a fish, ears of a buffalo, the body and neck of a snake, scales of a carp, claws of an Eagle, and the feet of a tiger. It could live in the sky, in the water, or underground. It was immortal and it couldn't reproduce. The dragon is the symbol of power and nobility to the Vietnamese.

The dragon is all over the world. In Iceland the God Loki has associations with the female dragon. In the British Isles, there are dragon caves. In Hawaii all dragons are believed to be decended from the mother goddess Mo-o-inanea; the "self-reliant dragon." The dragon is found in the bible, and Draco the dragon is in the sky wrapped around Ursa Minor, or the little dipper.
