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In mythology, a wizard was a man who practiced magic.The classic picture of a wizard is a old man with long flowing white hair, and a long white beard.He wore a cloak, and a long matching robe.Most pictures show this robe as blue, being that blue is the color of magic.Or the robe might have been purple, because purple is the color of royality. The robes ranged in all different colors. The robe might have also had designs of moons and stars.

The wizard is pictured to have carried a long stick. It might have had the skull of an animal on the top (like the one pictured above) or some other things like a symbol of a moon, star or sun. He might have wore a hat, matching the color of the robe and cloak that he was wearing.Cartoons have shown the hat to have moons and stars on them.The wizard might have had a small bag, which held magic dust on their side.

This is a story in which a friend of mine, Chris Joren, wrote.It is copyrighted to him, not me.

Wizards are only fantasies right? The only thing even resembling them nowadays are magicians, and we all know those are fake. But what if magic was a lost art, what if magic wasn't used for disappearing and sawing people in half, what if long ago, magic was used for war. What if the secrets were found again, could our weapons match the destructive powers of magic?

This tale is set long ago, in the ages of knights and castles. When most people believed in magic, though most had never seen it. Wizards were few, and because of the diversity in strength and power, each wizard had his own unique spells, or so they said. But how many possible spells could there be? A ball of fire and a stream of acid couldn't be too hard for a great wizard. But even as most people believed in these great men, there were always some that did not.

This is the tale of one such man, who made it his own personal quest to find out if magic really existed, and if it did, to learn and use it. His quest would start at a small village, where an old wise man was rumored to be a wizard. After a long discussion with the old man, the skeptical villager had gained nothing, for it seems that the old man was crazy, and could not cast spells anymore, if he could have in the first place.

As it will make things easier, I will give a name to this skeptical man, his name was Dromkin, and he was a great thief. His master plan was more than gaining knowledge, he wanted to be able to make himself invisible, and to be unseen would be the greatest advantage he ever had, an unseen thief if unstoppable. He had of course heard rumors of spells that could charm a person into thinking that they had left there money at home, when in fact the thief could be halfway to his hideout with a bag of gold.

But the point of this story isn't to bore you with the details of this man's career, and as Dromkin was on his way home from the old man's house, he realized that with magic, he could do so much more than steal things easier. He could be invincible, he could protect himself while harming others, and he could create bolts of lightning to destroy all that opposed him. But he must learn to use magic first, and before that, learn if it even exists.

His next place to look was in a great castle, for it seems the king had a wizard as his advisor. But getting to him would be very tough, as the guards are especially good at throwing unwanted people in the river. But years and years as a thief actually did help him out, for with his knowledge of stealth and how people react, he was able to make one guard think the other had threw a stone at him, and it erupted into a brawl, Dromkin easily sneaked past. But the castle was huge, and full of rich guests, and on his journey to find the great wizard, he stole anything he wanted, it was all left unguarded of course.

But try as he might, he could not find the wizard, he had even wandered into the throne room, but the wizard was nowhere in sight. Depressed and unknowing what else to do, Dromkin sat down on a bench and began thinking. But he did not have much time to do this, for as soon as he had started, he noticed a strange light beginning to appear next to him on the bench, and as scared as he was, he couldn't get his legs to move.

The light was growing, and was coming from an unknown source, but as it grew in intensity, it also began to take shape, and the shape it was forming was the shape of an old man. Confused and scared, Dromkin leaped to his feet and began running as fast as he could, but before he began to get away, he noticed vines erupting form the ground, holding him where he was. The old man had become totally human now, and was walking toward the poor thief. With a wand in his hand, and long flowing gray hair, he looked the part of a wizard, and the spells he had already done were quite a feat in themselves.

But of course, he wasn't done with Dromkin, for as he approached, he had a glint of evil in his eye, as he planned for what was to come. When the wizard was only a few feet away from Dromkin, he went in, what looked to be a battle stance, with his wand held out, and his feet separated. He slowly began chanting but what language he was using was hard to tell. With every word, his voice became deeper, and his words clearer, it seemed now he was saying 'From the depths of hell and from pits of fire, I beg of thee to aid me now, I beg of thee to aid me now.' With this last word, he raised his wand into the air, and as his hands dropper, a large ball of light was forming in front of him.

The ball of light was slowly growing and growing, until it was about the size of a cannon ball, then it began to blaze with the color of fire, yes, it was in fact made of fire. And as it began to grow white hot, blazing with the ferocity of a volcano, the wizard made strange gesture, almost a pushing motion, and the ball of fire flew at Dromkin, creating a trail of fire floating in midair, and then it struck. I guess magic does exist after all, and even a great wizard needs a little practice sometimes.

--AUTHOR Chris Joren

To read more of his stories go: Here
