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Does the brain drain exist?   The following links look at both sides of the issue.  Don't forget to vote in our poll below!  Also check out our forum and share your thoughts.


Canada's Brain Drain - The official site.

High Canadian Taxes and The Brain Drain - Canadian Social Research Links.  Includes links to a number of sites on the subject.

The Canadian's Guide to the Brain Drain - FAQ's for Canadians considering moving the US.

Brain Drain - A compilation of links from, an Canadian HR firm.  Links to articles from Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, and CNNfn 


UBC Alumni Association Brain Drain Survey

Brain Drain Survey  - Survey for UBC grads.

Survey Results - the results so-far collected from the above survey. Lots of comments.  

Canadian Goose Brain Drain Poll



Going, Going Gone - Report by Personnel Systems, Human Resources Specialists, detailing life, work and experiences for Canadian Expatriates living in the U.S., based on their survey of 133 Canadians.  Part I- Canada's "Brain Drain" Expatriates Speak OutPart II - Life is Really Better South of the Border!

Brain Drain - Progressive Conservative Party's official stance on the Brain Drain issue.  Taken from their Policy Document Adopted at the National Policy Convention Held in Québec City in May, 2000

Backgrounder: Brain Drain - Canadian Alliance Party's official stance on the Brain Drain issue.

Behind the Brain Drain Hype - Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, BC Office

Brain Drain: Real Problem or Push for Lower Taxes - Hillwatch

Brain Drain Debate - The Council for Canadian Unity.  Includes Links to a number of sites.

Publicly available sites on Canada's Brain Drain - Industry Canada

Issue Brief: Beyond the Headlines on the "Brain Drain" - ISUMA, Canadian Journal of Policy Research

The Brain Drain and Brain Gain - The Daily, Statistics Canada, May 2000

Building on Canada's Brain Power: The Canadian Institutes of Health Research Concept - Brief Submitted to The House of Commons Finance Committee, Ottawa - October 28, 1998 by The Coalition for Biomedical and Health Research

Viewpoint: The Ontario University Academic Brain Drain: Implications for Collective Bargaining - Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations


Americans for Better Immigration - A newsletter for a group interested in reducing immigration numbers.  Has an extensive anti-H-1B page.  


Jonathan R. Kesselman, "Policies To Stem the Brain Drain - Without Americanizing Canada," forthcoming in Fazil Mihlar, ed., The Brain Drain: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses (Vancouver, B.C.: The Fraser Institute, 1999).


Canada's "Brain Drain" a trickle not a flood - The Straight Goods, October 2000

The Brain Drain has always been with us - Montreal Gazette, August 2000  

"High Taxes" -

Canada's Brain Drain to the US Accelerates -, May 2000

Brain drain? Canada isn't so bad. -, April 2000

The Myth of US Taxes - Canadian Commentary (private website), April 2000

Brain Drained - Thunderbird Magazine, UBC Journalism Review, March 2000

U.S. bound brain drain is far from fiction - North Shore News, February 2000

How bad is the brain drain? - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1999

How to Stop the Brain Drain - Triax press release, November 1999

Canadian Universities: Massive Hiring Plan aimed at 'Brain Gain' - Delta R&D, October 1999

Canada Brain Drain - St. Petersburg Times, September 1999

The Brain Drain is Taxing the Prime Minister -  Enter Stage Right, August 1999

Conference Board Says "Brain Drain" is Real - Conference Board of Canada Press Release, August 1999

Down the Brain Drain - Eye, August 1999

Drain Damage Disputed - Western News, July 1999

An IT Brain Drain in Canada - Wired News, July 1999

Brain Drain No Hoax says ITAC - press release by in the Information Technology Association of Canada, June 1999

Jean Cretien's American Connection - National Post, March 1999


Canada to U.S. Business Immigration Newsgroup - electronic forum maintained by the law offices of Joseph C. Grasmick

Drain your Brain - forum for Canadians on both side of the border.  Maintained by Canada's Brain Drain. Besides the main forum, three other discussion topics are open.  Postcards from south of the border lets Canadians living in the US share their thoughts and experiences with those at home. Cost to the Canadian Taxpayer debates as to whether those who have left should pay back the costs of their education.  Canada, A Nation of Losers debates as to whether the brain drain to the US is living behind only the second best employees in terms of education and job skills.

Canadian Goose Forum -


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