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The climate is described as an average state of atmospheric phenomenon over a point on the earth by Hann and Sorre.   Settling in a place and carrying on their life , humans and other living existences almost depend on climatic conditions. Because of this reason, this study was prepared for three aims.

  • To constitute a healthy environment with determining climatic properties in the border of city,
  • To construct buildings using suitable climatic parameters,
  • To be a guide for the people whose work are related with climate and climatic conditions.

The importance of meteorological parameters for building project and heat insulation was underlined in the national action plan of HABITAT II conference which was the last greatest conference of century that was held in Istanbul.

In the study of “ Climate of Ankara” long term observations of 34 meteorological observation stations in the period from the beginning of Station to 1990 were used. In this study, there aren’t any detailed comment related with dispersion of meteorological parameters and extreme values. Long term observation values are submitted with maps and tables for users. Mean values of the parameters, which used in this study, are obtained by using simple mathematical average. It was considered that system procedures of Climatic Classification used in this study should be commonly used in the world.

In order to show spatial dispersion of long term observation values in the border of city, observation values of neighbour cities were also used only to create maps. However, these observation values were not used in the regional analysis. SURFER package programme is used to create maps. In other studies which were about this subject , spatial dispersion of meteorological parameters weren’t used. It’s thought that visual presentation of updated data and presentation regional distribution of the parameters on the map of the region will be more effective for the user.

It is expected that this study ( Climate of Ankara ) will be the source guide for the sectors of industry, tourism, energy and education .




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