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These are more along the lines of what I am confortible doing. I love nature and most anything outdoors related. From hiking and kayaking to offroading, I am always up for a trekk in the woods.


Thus far most all of the nature photography that I have taken has been mainly product of convenience. Finding spots along my routes and hikes that I enjoy, as well as our vacations and drives to new towns.

Occasionally I am able to drive and/or hike out to a location and take a good amount of time setting up and taking a series of shots in order to get a specific shot or exposure.

Photoshop is my salvation, as I learn the camera and the differences in 'as shot' vs 'as seen' on the screen, I am able to use photoshop to correct the images as well as enhance or change the image to add effects or transform into digital artwork.

I will try to make a seperate section of the site dedicated to my more intricate works of digital art.