....... If you don't know what happened next.. I'll tell you. At the clinic they checked his blood pressure and the nurses freaked out. They said that they never seen anyone living with that blood pressure. So they rushed him to the hospital... (this was the 1st time my dad went to the hospital).
The doctors did a whole bunch of stuff to try to bring it down before it was too late... But during that week the blood vessels in his eyes had so much pressure that they burst, which caused him to go blind. I think that got his blood pressure under control with a bunch of medication and changing his eating habbits. But he stayed blind.
....... One day, the doctors had a bright idea to fix my dad's eyes... The reason he was blind was because the blood, from the blood vessels that broke, was settled in his eyes. So the doctors decided to take out my dad's eyes, cut it open, and scrape the blood out... Sounds painful? well more than you know... The procedure was called "scaple surgury". Anyway the month following the surgury of the first eye (the left one) my dad was in EXTREME pain... for the whole month of July... 24 hours, 7 days a week. He described it as feeling like a razor on fire scraping on your eyes.. constantly. And what was funny (not really)... after ALL that pain, the surgury didn't fix his eyes... in fact, it made it worst. The doctors had the nerve to want to "fix" his other eye... Dad wouldn't let them TOUCH it. So he just adjusted to be blind for the rest of his life... Went to blind school, bought all of the afficial stuff...
....... Anyways... The pain from his eye was not the ONLY thing... His kidneys failed... that (i think) caused his symptoms of "simple" sicknesses become worst than the norm. But this is the time I started my homeschool... I remember being home with my sick dad... it was not fun. Everybody is gone to school... and I'm at home watching my dad moan and groan... I felt like there was nothing I could do... but there was. In fact, after it is all over, I realized that I helped him out a lot. I was like a nurse. And actually that year I wanted to be an Optometrist in order to fix my dad's eyesite. But yeah, I am glad I had homeschool because that time for me serving my dad, was humbling and made me feel like I was helping.
....... Well... I'm around in homeschool doing some school work... (this is maybe 2 years later) And my dad started getting his eyesite back... It wasn't like a sudden thing... it happened over a period of time... And it is only God. Because the eye the doctors operated on DID NOT HEAL EVER!!!! So i KNOW it is God... Also, doctors have looked at his "good" eye and said he wasn't supposed to be able to see... There were scars and stuff in it. So he was a walking miracle. SO many other things happened to him that I can't BEGIN to mention all of them.
....... Imma wrap this up... He started dyalisis at home... and he eventally got an infected and they had to take it out. But that cause a bunch of internally bleeding so he was hospitalized and was not able to go to his brother's funeral. Anway... They did another dyalisis where u go 3 times a week, for 4 hours... And that was depressing for my dad. If he didn't do it, he would die. Now dyalisis is a procedure where it plays the role as your kidneys... cleans out all the waste in your body. Moving on... During all this time (on the days he wasn't in the hospital) Dad continued to preach. He started preaching when he was 16, and became a minister in Chicago. But yea, he preached the truth only with the Holly Spirit.