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About Me... Hmm... I think that would take 18 years to write. But, I'll just write enough.

Jason Abrams is my name. I was born 10/14/86 to two lovely parents, Mom & Dad. They raised me pretty good as the youngest of 3. In my "early" life ( from age 1-11) I was a copy cat to my older by 6 years brother, Josh. After he went off to college I developed into ME: I started to create my OWN, ORIGINAL comics, developed a passion for the color yellow, started growing out my hair, and defined my relationship with God.

During this time of drastic change of ME, everybody else in my family changed. My dad became EXTREMELY sick... (for more detail see About Dad)... My sister, Siobhan, gave birth to Malique. It's funny, I was mad at her at first, then me and Malique got tite. In fact... Malique and I grew SO close that HE started loving yellow and grew out his hair (basically modeled himself after "JAS!") that's what he called me when he was 2... Enough about the most loved child ever...

Life goes own.. All the interesting stuff in my life happened when I was in homeschool. (from 6th-8th grade) Dad got sick and that's the reason (one of 2) I went to homeschool. The other reason was so I could get an advancement from the elementary (middle) school education. Anyway... Josh come back for a year to pay for the 1st year of college... That year (my 8th grade year) I call the year of "party" Jason. That's when Jason (of course with the parent's approval) went to the club EVERY weekend... In fact, I was addicted.

That year was over and I started highschool. I enjoyed that 1st year back cuz nobody knew who I was, and all the girls loved my really long hair and my girlishly sexy good looks. But I did good in school. It shocked me cuz my 8th grade year all I did was party. But I continued to make all A's.

My love and passion for God grew more the summer of 2002. I ALWAYS loved God... all my life... but I became even more serious last year. I officially quit clubbing, and I started studying the Word everyday, memorizing scripture... I got to know God on a deeper and more personal relationship... I was used by Him, and still am... Anyway, my walk was not just cuz anymore, it was REAL... But all of my life I knew God was going to use me...

I would like to forget my sophomore year at RHS... mainly cuz it was the hardest year at school.. acedemically. Then there was a sudden change of principals in the middle year and i hated that... but i did have cool art lessons. well.. let's just skip to my Junior year: I let my Highschool have it. I expressed myself in the newspaper ( since I was the editor in cheif and everything). But yeah i did that, and took pictures for the yearbook... I put my comics in the paper, sometimes more than one.. and it was ALL me, unedited... except for a few "too hot for the public".

Senior year i just didn't care. i said... i got one more year... screw u guys! i did pretty much anything i wanted. I was the editor of the yearbook so i had an "excuse". And i would not like to brag, but this yearbook is the best we had... and prolly will have for a while. first ever all color yearbook! Anyway... i had fun, playing with the little freshman girls, and constantly getting turned down from every girl at school to the prom, and just NOT CARING!! yeah... it is true when they say ur senior year is the best time... mainly cuz everybody know u and stuff.

A little while back my brother asked me, if I could be a super hero who would I be (based on my personality)... and he answered the question saying... Superman... Immediately, I said, "eugh". I'm not a fan a Superman... But once I really thought about it, it made sense... Superman is about what's right and true... that's how I am... and my "kryptonite" is females and vanity. What's funny is that my fav. "hero" is the complete opposite of my personality: SPAWN... i collect the comics and figures.

When you see Jason come in... what do you notice? Immediately, the fact that he is wearing yellow... Then you will probably see my freakishly long hair... A question will pop in ur mind... "Why is he wearing those chains?" I wrote a three page report why... Then you will see somewhere smiley faces... either around my neck or on my keys or on my head... And if you come REALLY close... u can see a few zits.

My Favorites

Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Musical Artist: The Roots
Favorite song: "What they do" -the Roots Illadelph Halflife
Favorite Painter: Salvador Dali
Favorite Movie director: Spike Lee
Favorite Movie: Crooklyn- A Spike Lee Joint
Favorite Comic strip: The Boondocks
Favorite Superhero comic: Spawn

- Jason M. Abrams. Updated 7/13/04



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