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"The dilema"

I'm facing, feelings that I never knew
Heart racin', wit confusion of what to do
Cuz it feels like I got everything to lose,
Yet I have nothing, so how can I correctly chose?
Decisions that take only once in making
Positions that I may or may not end up taking
But if it were up to me, these questions I'll never ask
But without knowing those answers I'll never know which task
Will ever be performed, done, cuz I have a mask
Hiding my heart, and true feelings that will always last?
From the past to the ending of the end
Yet she will never know unless I click the mouse to send
Within, I'm holding things I want answered
So, just ask her and receice your hear back, untampered
But I'm too nervous, what are you afraid of?
Rejection or acception to the felling of love?
That's either, or, and never an inbetween
The girl is wonderful, beautiful, and every single little thing
Kid, this is 'sposed to be a "no brainer", just continue to contain her
Like teeth in a retainer, never let go of this
You never know, so talk, or it would be something missed
Hopefully, it'll end with a wife's kiss.

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