Don't fall for her!
don't fall for her
hair down back
beautiful jet black
lacking whackness
don't fall for her soft-lipped kiss
only on cheek.. yes, she's unique
sleek, and sometimes bleak
don't fall for her technique of being sweet
stop daydreaming of her.
seeing her face on everything
stop waiting for her to bring
your heart to smitherins..
stop thinking of how you wish you could sing
to her... don't fall for her
control your thoughts
emphasize her faults
your simple infatuation must hault!
immediate action is needed to..
jolt you mind
don't fall for her
it's not yet time...
but.. what if she's- what if she's the-
what if she's the one?
just for fun- to pretend:
i would run to her and fall
i'd crawl over towers and all
just for her.
but don't fall for her
you must focus!
relationships are distractions
I must focus!
too blurry from the truth
I trust to see the truth
i trust to see this: her..
too sexy for me, don't fall
too sexy you see, i want all
but its not enough til i fall...
for her. DON'T!!!
she's just a friend-
the ship that never ends
with pain remorse or shame
of course...
don't fall for her
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