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His Word ... a prophetic perspective


August 7, 1999

A Time for Mercy

       I have seen in the spirit, for the past several days, a Golden Eagle flying high above the other eagles (see "Golden Eagle" — December 11, 1998 and "Balance" — June 30, 1999). Alongside of this eagle is another, regular eagle. As I have watched and asked the Lord what this meant, He began to show me that as the Golden Eagle flies higher, longer and with more purpose and direction, that this will be an encouragement to the other eagles. And many eagles shall be provoked to greater effort and will also learn to fly higher, longer and with more purpose and direction.
       At the same time, there is a warning that some will simply attempt to “copy-cat” the Golden Eagle and others will attempt to play “can you top this” in efforts to make themselves look better than the Golden Eagle. Some will even attempt to minimize and denigrate the voices of many powerful women being raised up in this hour. The overall effect of the Golden Eagles’ anointing, however, will be to raise the standards of all eagles.
       As these powerfully anointed Golden Eagles (prophets) soar in the heavenlies, many other prophets will follow their example.

       I asked the Lord what His current priorities were worldwide. He mentioned three things to me:
       1. The cementing of relationships in the natural and supernatural, a bonding together of the spiritual house of Israel. Bringing about a closeness, an intimacy among His lively stones.
       2. A correction of non-biblical doctrines that have evolved from the traditional concepts of acceptance in light of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
       3. Condemnation, or judgement, relating to thoughts, words and actions that do not reflect evidence of the fruit of the tree of life.

       He then gave me the following word for His church:
       I have placed you, each and every one, into that position, into that posture which is most beneficial for you in seeking the kingdom of heaven and My righteousness. For each and every individual effort that has come about from the knowledge of My word, and from hearing My Holy Spirit must be combined with the individual efforts of others who have based their thoughts, words and deeds upon knowledge of My word and from hearing My Holy Spirit.
       As each individual is joined to other individuals all of the things that are of your humanity shall surely begin to manifest. Therefore it is imperative that My word and My Spirit be the motivating force in the guidance for your activities in order to continue building My lively stones into My holy temple. For I have not incorporated error and personal desires and prejudices into My architectural plan.
       So therefore, those things that are of the flesh—of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil—will not continue to co-exist with those things of Mine that are eternal. This is not a time to look one upon the other and point the finger, but this is the time to look inward with the mind of Christ that is in you and recognize those things within yourselves that are not of Me, says the Lord.
       For the things that I have designed, the things that I have planned, and the things that I am performing are perfect, says the Lord, for I am perfect. Those things which are imperfect shall not be incorporated into My perfection and I am perfecting My saints. As they draw closer, one to another, and as they continue to base their thoughts, words and actions upon My word and upon My Spirit they shall continue to draw closer to one another. And they shall draw closer to Me.
       And many who have their own designs, their own plans, their own purposes shall be thwarted in their attempt to seek their own kingdom and to redefine righteousness according to their own personal standards.
       There are many who because of teachings that have tickled the ear have gone astray from My plan and My purpose and My power and have taught these things to others and I am coming with a rod of correction and I am sending My prophets to speak words of life to you. You shall know them by their fruits. And you shall know that they are to lead you and as you contemplate My word and hear My Spirit you will know that they are the ones to follow. And you will know the ones who speak falsely that you are not to follow.
       As you follow those who are truly anointed by Me you shall follow them and they shall bring you to Me, says the Lord. For My leaders, those who I have raised up to speak My words of correction, shall not speak of themselves, they shall not speak of their kingdoms, they shall not speak of their own righteousness. They will speak of Me, and they will lead you to Me.
       And I will meet with you and we will fellowship together. And I will forgive your sins, and I will restore you and I will anoint you that others may recognize that you are speaking words of truth, words of correction, that they may follow you and bring others to Me. For My word is truth and My word is life and those things that are human wisdom are earthly and demonic and sensual and those things have no place in My lively stones.
       Praise the Lord your God for I am acting in great mercy to those who will listen to those that I have raised up with words of correction. For those who refuse to listen there will be judgement. For those who will not recognize the anointing I have poured out upon My prophets there shall be judgement. For those who continue to pursue their own kingdom, their own version of righteousness there shall be judgement. But I am extending My grace and I am offering My mercy that you would not be judged, says the Lord.
