There are basically six characteristics of controlling people and organizations whose source is a Jezebel spirit.
While these characteristics of the Jezebel spirit remain constant, as noted in the Bible, the symptoms and manifestations of the Jezebel spirit are constantly changing.
The purpose of this article is to identify the Jezebel spirit as it continues to attempt different ways to get control of and abuse the people of God.
First, the Jezebel spirit has a huge ego and wants to meet its desire and need for power. The Jezebel spirit does this by assuming false authority by any means possible. With this false authority the Jezebel spirit not only fulfills its need for power, but also gets tremendous ego satisfaction as it continually maneuvers for a high position on any hierarchical totem pole either real or imaginary.
This brief article describes the symptoms of spiritual abusive and controlling organizations that are conducive to the full manifestation and expression of the controlling spirits of Jezebel.
However, to eliminate these symptoms and the pain and injustice they subject Gods people to, the cause of this spiritual abuse and control which creates a favorable environment for the growth and nourishment of the controlling Jezebel spirit must be eliminated in its entirety. Because of the acceptance, use and reliance upon titles within its man-made authoritarian hierarchy the spiritual climate of the institutional church is a powerful breeding ground for the controlling spirits of Jezebel which is so widespread and prominent and which continues to spread like a plague throughout the institutional church system. Any honest examination of scripture reveals that the institutional church system of today is an illegitimate, paganized, Romanized, pope-modeled, traditional, man-made system that has violated the very will and purpose of God for His ekklesia. As such, it has no place in Gods economy other than as a spiritual Babylon from which the overcoming remnant bride of Jesus Christ will exit as they realize the truth of Gods eternal purpose. If you have a problem with that read the article Gods Will And Purpose. Todays institutional church system consists of a central meeting place for all the people who attend that particular church. This may range from an elaborate cathedral to a warehouse. A common denominator of each such meeting place is that it requires either a mortgage or rent payment each month. In addition there is the monthly expense of electricity, water and sewage. Add to that maintenance requirements which all require extra money to be either paid out or set aside for contingencies. This system has at least one person in charge of this church, usually called a pastor, but not always so. This pastor requires monthly subsistence for themselves and, if applicable, their family. They also require money for a monthly mortgage or rent payment, and money for the monthly expense of electricity, water and sewage. They may require money for a car payment and/or other necessities and niceties that are common to human desires. There may be additional persons known as assistant pastors, or youth pastors, or any variety of names to indicate their leadership status within the organization. Some of these may be paid additional money monthly depending upon their status as full time, part time or volunteer. It should be obvious that a good sized sum of money is required each and every month in order to pay the expenses of the building and the people who staff this building. Within the institutional church system there is a tremendous importance attached to titles of these leaders because of the desires of human beings to be approved, appreciated, accepted and recognized as somebody special. This position of power conveyed by the use of titles and an artificial man-made chain of command carries along with it built in methods of manipulation and intimidation of others for the purpose of controlling them. This is conducive to allowing the controlling Jezebel spirit to begin to influence such leaders. Money is very important, if not the most important part of this institutional church system. Without money, the system cannot be maintained, and the power positions and control devices of controlling spirits evaporate. Where does the money come from, and who gives these persons their power? The money comes from you, and you are the ones giving them power. In so doing, you are very effectively meeting the needs of these self-proclaimed leaders, while at the same totally disregarding the needs of the fatherless, widows, strangers in the land, the truly called spiritual Levites and the poor. Appeals for a pseudo-tithe are considered to be a scriptural method whereby the saints of God maintain and insure that Gods will and purpose are done. This is a bald-faced lie as anyone who has studied the Bible for themselves knows. If you have a problem with that read the article The Old Testament Tithe And New Testament Giving. This entire institutional church system is illegitimate in Gods economy and is, in fact, antithetically opposed to Gods true will and purpose for His ekklesia. If you will read God by the Spirit of Jesus Christ will build an assembly you will understand that fact. In addition to those articles youll get additional understanding of the biblical position by reading A Sinking Submarine, The Spirit Of Antichrist, Gods Will And Purpose, Women Keep Silence, or Dont Lose Your Head, Please!, and Does Anybody Out There Hear Me? You can ignore that advice and continue on in your antichrist system if you choose. And continue to be under the intimidating and manipulative devices of the controlling spirits of Jezebel. Items 2 through 6 listed below explain how this institutional church system operates within the spoken and unspoken rules to be found in it. For those who dont take the time to read the articles suggested above, you can stay in this system and simply accept the abuse you will continue to endure. You will also continue to be manipulated and intimidated by the psychological methods of the controlling spirits of Jezebel as noted under Controlling tactics and techniques that are listed below. May I say, with love, that if you choose to do so, that you deserve it? Anyone who deliberately and consciously ignores scriptural truth and voluntarily submits themselves to a system that is the product of human wisdom, which James says is earthly, sensual and demonic, is in total disobedience to God and His will and His purpose for His ekklesia. While there are those who prefer to be dominated and controlled because of dysfunctional quirks, they may not realize that by so doing they have intentionally removed themselves from a place of Gods blessings to a place of Gods curses. If you are one of those who enjoy such a psychological climate of controlling spirits then you are not open to the truth being presented here. However, be assured that it will only get worse, not better, especially as you become the apostate church of which the Bible speaks. |
Second, the Jezebel spirit will continue and continue and continue to proclaim their authority. The Jezebel spirit has to do this because it has no real authority. So they have to continue to remind others that they have Godly authority.
Excerpted from the Introduction to Know the Marks of Cults ... the 12 basic errors of false religion, by Dr. Dave Breese (Pages 10-12). Christianity should not be thought of as a stone wall behind which we cannot get. It is rather the highest mountaintop beyond which it is downhill no matter which way one goes. There is nothing greater, nothing higher, and certainly nothing more magnificent than the mountaintop of divine relevation in Scripture and in Jesus Christ. To move beyond that mountaintop in the pursuit of something better is to lose oneself in the crags and crevices of the slopes that fall away from real Christianity. And beyond the crevices of heresy and the fever swamps of the cults, where the serpents and the scorpions wait. Beyond rationality is insanity, beyond medicine is poison, beyond sex is perversion, beyond fascination is addiction, beyond love is lust, beyond reality is fantasy. Just so, beyond Christianity is death, hopelessness, darkness, and heresy. Nevertheless, people continue to be offered those side paths whose ultimate direction is downward. The increasingly complicated religious situation of our time is producing an explosion of the strangest religious concoctions ever brought to the mind of man. Writing to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul suggested that they examine themselves to be sure that they are in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5). This admonition, coupled with the warning that in the latrter times some shall depart from the faith (1 Tim. 4:1), should be cause enough for each of us to make careful doctrinal examination of himself. The clear teaching of Scripture is that if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged by God (1 Cor. 11:31-32). When one corrects his course in time, he shortens the process of sometimes painful spiritual correction. The absence of doctrinal correction produces spiritual ruin. How many disillusioned Christians have stood amid the broken pieces of their shattered lives and said, If only I had known. Why did not someone warn me in time? As a doctrinal self-examination probe, your answer of Yes or No to each of the twelve following questions will assist as an indication to you of the spiritual course you are presently on. There is a link at the bottom of this web page to a different web page which will help you to assess your Yes or No answers. 1. Do you feel that contempory prophecies, revelations, visions and/or other experiences by individuals or groups speak to humankind with the same authority as the written Bible? 2. Do you feel that organizational membership, association with certain others, your good deeds, marital status, high personal moral values, karma or an ultimate favorable judgment by God Himself are a necessary part of your salvation? 3. Do you feel that you are not doing enough for God, not giving enough of your time, talent and finances to God, are not at your church as much as you can when its open, that you dont pray and/or worship enough. Do you struggle with staying under a Godly covering and obeying your leaders even when you, and others, sometimes question their wisdom? 4. Do you rely upon your bishop, pastor and/or elders for your religious leadership and to pray for your needs and intercede for you because of their special gifts and/or anointings? 5. Have you accepted the teaching of the Christian army called Joels Army and the new super apostles and prophets that are coming that will make the book of Acts seem insignificent compared to their great spiritual accomplishments? In the glorification of the manchild company? 6. Do you keep yourself well-informed about the new things of God, that are presented in current prophecy, visions and other revelatory ways? 7. Is Jesus Christ really fully God? 8. Are you and maybe the people you fellowship with focused upon prophecy, or visions and dreams, or demonology, holiness, or the end-times or other great Bible subjects? 9. Are you being taught the necessity of membership in the local church, tithing, having a covering, attendance at church meetings and obeying those who have the rule over you? 10. Have you been taught that failure to pay your tithes to your local church will bring Gods curses upon you? Are you encouraged to give money to those who prophesy over you, or pray for healing or deliverance for you? 11. Is your local fellowship the only one teaching and preaching the true gospel of the kingdom of God, and that believers in other denominations are a false religion? 12. Have you been taught the social, political and/or environmental responsibilities or imperatives of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
If you have read this article and feel that somehow the contents are in themselves manipulating, intimidating or controlling then you missed the point of what is presented. What is said here is intended to set you free from the cultish institutional church mindset. If you choose, however, to misinterpret the message as one that nurtures a cultish institutional church mindset by making you feel manipulated, intimidated or controlled, then you are at a point where you may need outside professional help to think clearly. That suggestion, of course, is in itself intimidating, isnt it? But its not manipulating or controlling you in any way, shape, fashion or form. That is something that you yourself, are continuing to do to yourself.
Arthur Schopenhauer, a German philosopher (1788-1860), made the statement: All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. He also said, Every person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the limits of the world, which really ties in with the first statement, doesnt it?
So get over your ridicule and violent opposition and raise your spiritual vision and look beyond the controlling Jezebel spirit and look for biblical truth ... please!
Click here to read Jezebel spirit, false prophets, idolatry and witchcraft
Click here to read Recognizing Intimidation and Manipulation
Click here to read The Danger of Self-Centeredness
Click here to read Free in Christ!
Click here to read Cult practices of false teachers, apostles and prophets
Click here to read God, Jesus Christ, the Bible are not reflected in human life
Click here to read The spiritual abuser of God, Jesus Christ, Bible, life