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Part 16

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


"Those blasted Scouts," Beryl fumed next to the containment pod that held Selenite. "At least this time the brainwashing should be permanent. Poor, foolish Queen Serenity," she cackled, "All she did was delay the inevitable. I will finally take over the universe with the help of her daughter."

"It's done, my Queen," Malachite said upon entering the room.

"He'll be there then?"

"Deffinitely; and with those simpy Scouts entow."

"Excellent! I commend you, Malachite, you actually accomplished something."

"Thank you, Queen Beryl. May I ask you something?" This took Beryl by surprised; no one Ever questioned her, still Malachite went on knowing the risk he was taking. "May I have your blessing to marry Selenite?"

A smirk formed on her face, "Of course. You have my consent and if she excepts your proposal then plan on having your wedding tomorrow with somr very special guests."

"Thank you, your Majesty," he bowed low before her.

"Now take Selenite back to her chambers, she needs to rest." He nodded, took Selenite from the pod, and transported back to his castle.

Once there he carried her to her room gazing lovingly into her peaceful expression. After tucking her into bed, he took his place in the chair next to the bed. A short time later she awoke and looked around.

"How do you feel, Selenite?"

"I'm fine, except for my head is pounding."

"That's understandable, considering how those Scouts attacked you." He took a kneeling position next to the bed, "Selenite?"

"Yes, Malachite?"

He took her hands into his own, "Selenite, I love you with all my heart. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

She was caught off guard by his sudden proposal, but all at once her eyes teared up. "Yes," she sobbed.

Malachite became puzzled at this, he had studied that when humans cry it was a sign of sadness. "Why are you crying, my love?"

"I-I'm just so happy," she whispered.

"As am I, darling, as am I." He drew her close to him and kissed her tenderly. "Then tomorrow we will be wed."

"I can hardly wait," she smiled at him, "I can hardly wait."

~End Part 16~

Getting interesting yet? And what do you think of Mal falling head over heels & still managing to keep his priorities straight?

I must admit that I'm having a blast with these final parts. Yes, the end is near. Took me almost a year to get here, but what a ride! ^_^ Now here's the fun part, this story may be almost over but I still want to write for all you beautiful, wonderful people! SEND ME STORY IDEAS!!! The only thing I've come up with is to do an Omake Theater of sorts. (Omake translates into 'Extra') It's pretty much where I do a small parody on each part or just take an exerpt from them. But other than that, this writer's brain is drawing a blank. Anyways, enjoy the ride and start thinking of some new story ideas. I better get back to work now. **tee!** What a slacker I am at work. ^_^ Have fun and I'll see you guys later!

Email me your comments and ideas PLEASE!!!
