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Part 19

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


Queen Beryl glared at Mercury, "How dare you interupt this ceremony, you annoying little simp." Beryl used her powers to tear Mercury out of her seat and throw her to the floor. "Now kneel, girl, and beg for forgiveness."

Mercury defiently got to her feet and began to make her way up towards Queen Beryl. "Never, you witch!"

Beryl once again knocked Mercury to the floor, "You will learn ro obey me!"

Mercury strained to lift her head to look at Selenite," Please Serena, Sailor Moon, Princess of the Moon Kingdom, remember who you are," she pleaded. "Fight the brainwashing that they have done. Remember your mother sacrificing herself to save you and all of us from these monsters so that we'd have a chance at a happy, peaceful future. If you don't remember now, then all she did was in vain."

"Enough," Malachite yelled as he seized Mercury by the throat, "It's not enough that you insult my Queen, but now you try to turn my wife against us," he raised her into the air by her throat. "For that you will die!"

Mercury's symbol began to glow faintly on her forehead as she frantically fought to break free from Malachite's iron-like grasp. Within a few moments her struggles ceased; her body became limp.

Malachite dropped her body in disgust while the other Scouts stared in disbelief at the event that had just transpired. Mercury lay on her side, her face hidden by the floor and her left arm. She was still and lifeless.

Suddenly an icebubble formed around her body; a blue light eminating from it. It raised into the air for a moment before settling itself on the ground to pop. As it did, a dense fog escaped and filled the room.

When the fog began to clear, everyone was surprised to see Mercury alive and standing. She was no longer in her Sailor Scout costume, but was clothed in a regal aquamarine gown. Her eyes were closed, her expression was calm, peaceful, and she looked older. More mature. As she opened her eyes, her symbol appeared once again, but this time did not fade. She stood before them no longer just Ami Anderson, but now Princess Ami of the planet Mercury.

"Why you little roach," Malachite made a move towards Mercury, "I don't know how you survived, but this time you won't!" He lunged at her intent on strangling her again, but his advance was cut short as Mercury raised her hand and froze him in place. "What the...," Malachite began to ramble in disbelief.

"Tuxedo Mask and Scouts, Luna was right about a power lying dormant in us. The power comes from our former selves. Relax your bodies and clear your minds, I will help to awaken the power that you possess." She closed her eyes and clasped her hands together as if in prayer. The symbol of Mercury began to shine brightly as a beam shot out from it, split into four smaller beams, and hit the others on the same spot on their heads. Mercury's beam lessened in intensity as the other's symbols began to glow brighter and brighter. In an instant Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Tuxedo were engulfed in their own bubbles made up of each of their elements.

The Scout's bubbles burst in unison, each dressed in their royal garmants that they had worn so long ago. But Tuxedo's bubble only faded, leaving him the same as ever.

"Why didn't it work," Mercury asked herself. She then realized that she did not have the power to awaken his past form, only Sailor Moon, his princess, had that power.

~End Part 19~

Will Tuxey ever be able to become Prince Darien? Will the Scouts' princess forms be enough to defeat the Negaverse? Don't look at me, I'm not telling, you'll just have to wait and see next time. ^_^

So how's it going gang? Getting excited over the Holidays? This lil priestess is, I love this time of year! So no matter what you celebrate, I hope you have a merry one. Til next time, everyone, may Mercury keeping shining upon you.
