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Part 20

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


Beryl looked at the Scouts in their transformed states feeling an overwhelming sense rage. "Malachite, take care them! And do not fail me." She vanished from the room leaving Malachite alone with the Scouts.

"Tuxedo, you try to talk to Serena. We'll hold back Malachite," Mercury said.

"You got it, Mercury," he replied.

The Scouts turned toward Malachite poised and ready to fight.

Malachite laughed in spite of himself, "You? Are going to fight me? In your prissy gowns?" His face suddenly went stern as he took a more serious tone, "Step aside, girls, I don't want to have to hurt you." He had a gleam in his eye that could only be described as evil.

Undaunted the Scouts stood quietly; it was Venus who spoke first, "You should step aside, Malachite."

"You have no idea of the power that stands before you," Mars said.

"For when Sailor Moon became the Moon Princess, remember how her powers increased," Mercury emphasized.

"But if you'd rather fight, we're ready," Jupiter said half hoping that he'd want to continue.

"You girls are all talk, now it's time to fight!" Malachite formed a black energy sphere and let it grow in power.

"Princesses prepare," Venus shouted as she pulled out the Crescent Moon Wand.

"Mercury Princess Power!"

"Mars Princess Power!"

"Jupiter Princess Power!"

"Venus Princess Power!"

The Scouts' transformation pens appeared before them as their planet symbol shone brightly on their foreheads, each producing a gem of light that connected to the pens. The gems caused the pens the change into wands that resembled the Crescent Moon Wand, but bore each of their symbols instead.

After Venus' pen transformed, she took the Crescent Moon Wand and held it together with her own. The Silver Crystal glimmered for a moment as Venus' wand merged with the Moon Wand to form one.

Malachite saw his opportune moment and shot his energy sphere, but the Scouts prepared a counter attack.

"Princess Planet Power," they all shouted in unison. Standing in a half circle they held their wands together to combine the energy of them. A single beam shot forth to meet the dark sphere in between Malachite and the Scouts. Both attacks halted in the air trying to over-power the other, but all seemed in a stalemate.

"Give up, girls," Malachite grunted trying to maintain his concentration on the attack.

While the Scouts and Malachite were battling, Tuxedo saw his opportunity and approached Selenite. "Serena," he called out to her as he drew nearer.

Selenite sneered at him, "What do you want, and how long is it before you remember that my name is Selenite, not Serena?"

"But you name is Serena," Tuxedo removed his mask, "And I am Darien. You can't tell me that you've forgotten about you and me. About us."

"There's you and then there's me," she interrupted, "But there is no us!"

"You're wrong, there has always been an us. Our love has lasted a thousand years." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a star-shaped object. "This locket is a symbol of our love. You gave it to me on the last day that we were on the Moon so that I'd always remember you. Now I give it back, hoping that you'll remember." He held it out for her to take.

Slowly she reached out to take it.

"Selenite, NO!" Malachite screamed, losing his concentration, causing the Scouts' attack to over-power his, forcing it back at him. He narrowly escaped the blast screaming towards him, and he was too late to stop Selenite.

As Selenite touched the locket it opened and began to play a timeless melody. Her eyes teamed with tears as the memories of the locket's history flooded back. A sudden beam of light burst from the locket and shone into Selenite's face. As her memories came rushing back, her clothes from her wedding gown, to the Negaverse uniform, to her Sailor Moon costume, to finally her sailor suit school uniform. Serena was back.

~End Part 20~

Now that Serena's regained her memory what'll happen next? What will Malachite do now that his beloved is no longer the person she was? Tune in next time to find out! ^_^

How's it going, group? I hope well. Sorry for not getting this up sooner, I've had it written for about 2 weeks now, but semester finals are coming up. And with those, you also have stupid projects to get done. :þ My teachers are crazed, you should see the stuff I gotta do. Anyway, instead of bellyaching about it, I better get more of it done. Catch you guys later!

Email me your comments and ideas PLEASE!!!
