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Part 22

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


Venus lay dead by the far wall of the room; leaving Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury to protect Darien and Serena from any futher attacks by Malachite. The three girls stood protectively in front of the prince and princess and glarede at Malachite who loomed ten feet in front of them. Malachite was breathing heavily, but seemed to have almost fully recovered from his previous injuries. He took a step closer to them, thus causing them to position themselves defensively.

"We nearly had him on his back a little while ago," Jupiter thought aloud, "What gives? How'd he recover so quickly?"

Malachite smiled smugly, I'm a fast healer. That's one of the benefits from being from the Negaverse."

"Care to test that," Mars asked, "Beacuse when you play with fire you get burned and burned badly."

"I'm getting tired of these games. Just hand over the wand, and; if you're lucky; I might let you live..."

Mars answered him with an old attack, "Celestial Stars burning brightly, lend me your flame, your heat, so that I may combine it with the power of Mars and extinguish the fool who stands before me. Mars Celestial Flame!"

A powerful wave of heat and flame raced toward Malachite, but he calmly stood his ground. When the blaze was no more than a few feet from him, he raised his hand to entrap it. But Malachite greatly underestimated its power. While he managed to disapate most of the attack, it left the right side of his body burnt and hair singed at the ends.

Mars smiled victoriously when she saw him stagger backwards holding his right arm to his chest. "I told you not to mess with fire! HAHA!"

"Why you little witch...HYAH!" Malachite fired her own attack back, with some of his own added strength.

A scream escaped Mars's throat as she was caught unaware by the attack. The power was so great that it drove straight through her; killing her instaneously.

Malachite glared at Mercury and Jupiter as they stood aghast unbelieving what happened.

"That makes two," Malachite muttered, "Who's next?"

~End Part 22~

Will Malachite really destroy all the Scouts and get what he wants? Who will be the next to face him? Stay tuned, the next installment is coming soon...

Gomen nasai, mina-san....I know it's been a while...over a month since last update....but I had my Senior research paper... I'll be updating a lil more often or at least til I have to prepare my Senior presentation.... but that's not for a while yet so no worries ^^ Well, I gotta fly...hope you like Part 22 ^_^ Ja ne, mina-san!
