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Part 23

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


"Are you sure that you want to continue this pointless battle," Malachite asked Mercury and Jupiter, his annoyance showing in the tone of his voice.

Jupiter's blood was boiling. She was so infuriated that all she could do was scowl at Malachite.

Malachite noticed her look. "Look around you, Jupiter. Do you really want to end up like your friends? Even your princess form with all of your old strength is not to defeat me. And without your Moon Princess, you can never hope to overcome my power."

Juupiter leaned over to Mercury and whispered, "Can you get a reading on any of his weak spots?"

"I've been trying to since he blasted Venus, but he has this shield around him. I almost have it decoded, but I'm going to need some more time," Mercury whispered back/

"Then how about I buy you some time? I'll charge it to your account," Jupiter replied with a wink and a smile.

Mercury nodded, "Be careful, you've seen what he's capable of doing."

"Hey, no worries, 'Careful' is my middle name." With that said she turned to Malachite her face stern with determination. "Alright you Nega-twit, are you ready to rumble?"

Malachite shook his head and sighed, "If you insist... I'll let you make the first move."

Jupiter stood ready for anything that might come her way. After a few moments she began to circle around Malachite sizing him up and thinking about any weak points he may have.

"Are you going to fight me or play Ring-Around-the-Rosie?" His temper began to flare.

"Don't you worry, we'll fight, I just don't want to rush this."

"Yeah right. Quit your stalling Jupiter, I have more important things to deal with besides you."

"If you want it, you got it! Jupiter Thunder Crash!"

Malachite sucked up the energy of her attack as if it were nothing. "Is that all you have," he laughed. "Surely you must have a new attack to go along with that frilly dress of yours. The others were at least a little challenging."

"Well maybe I just like to toy with you, hotshot… I don't think that you can handle my full power," she boasted with a sweet smile.

"I'll be the judge of that."

…"It's your funeral…"

Jupiter closed her eyes and began to focus her powers. As she did this a wind formed, light at first but grew in strength. Over the howling wind her voice could be heard chanting.

"Guardian of Jupiter, master of turbulent weather, lend me the unpredictable power of the tornado; the massiveness of a hurricane; the blinding effects of a blizzard; combine them into one so that we can defeat this foul foe… Storm Devastation!!! "

A massive storm cloud grew, as black as the darkest midnight even with the lightening crashing around in it. The wind howled and blew Jupiter's ponytail and Malachite's long mane of white hair around furiously. The crashing thunder sent pulsating waves of fear through Malachite as he fought to stand in the torrent conditions.

"Perhaps I greatly underestimated her," Malachite thought as the storm cloud drew closer. "Blast YOU," he screamed as he was sent flying backward into the wall behind him.

The storm then quickly dissipated and died away after fulfilling its duty. Jupiter fell to the floor exhausted after using her long-lost powers. She lay still, the rhythm of her breathing slow and even, the steady sound of peaceful slumber.

From the opposite side of the room came the sound of moaning and heavy breathing. "Uh… that harpy…she'll pay… ack… dearly for this…" Malachite stood unsteadily even with the wall supporting him.

Mercury remained in her position by Serena and Darien. She changed the setting on her visor and began to scan Jupiter's health status. "Good, she's in stable condition. She's just exhausted her strength, but she'll be fine in a little while. I can't believe how much power was in her attack. I think Malachite provoked her a bit too much," she giggled.

Mercury was too busy to notice the spark of electricity that came charging through the air and into Jupiter. "What the?!?!?!" Mercury exclaimed as she frantically reset her visor to rescan Jupiter's vital signs. Much to her horror, the shock of electricity had stopped Jupiter's heart. She was dead.

~End Part 23~

Three Scouts gone and only one left standing to face Malachite. How will Mercury deal with this menace> Stay tuned.

Hiyas Sailor Moon fans! Sorry that Part 23 took so long to come out. I'm in the process of moving part of the Temple to another site (sorry, but I need more space to build a multi-media section and larger image gallery) You heard right gang, I'm going to be adding more stuff to the Temple. Well, as soon as the fan-fic is over, which I'm looking to wrap it up in the 25th part. Yes, sad to say this story is almost over, but more will follow. No worries. Well, gotta fly now. Ja ne mina-san! ^_^
