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Part 24

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


"Well Mercury, it's just you and me," Malachite said suavely. "You've always seemed to be the smart, sensible one of the 'Sorry Scouts' so prove me right and step aside. Or better yet, Queen Beryl could use a new general. You know that we're beginning to run low on hard-working, capable people." Malachite chuckled to himself.

"Oh yeah, selling out my friends to be a slave to that witch sounds unbelievably appealing," Mercury retorted sarcastically. "And as for stepping aside, you have got to be kidding. That would be the most foolish thing that I could do. I refuse to let my friends' deaths be in vain, besides that, my prince and princess still live; I have vowed to protect them with my life. And unlike some people, I keep my promises."

"You are being quite foolish. This is a fight that you have no chance of winning. Why must we continue this charade? You can still serve your princess, if you surrender, as her lady in waiting. What loyalty do you have to Darien? I thought your vow was to Serena."

"I vowed to protect the princess and her happiness. And contrary to your belief, he makes her happy."

"You're making me angry, Mercury, and that can be very dangerous. You did not see the adoring looks she gave me, the smile on her face when she saw me, or the love in her voice when she spoke to me. You know nothing!"

"She was brainwashed. You were all she knew. If you truly care for her you'll let her be with the one she really loves."

"I will hear no more of this!" Malachite sent a black energy spear speeding straight towards Mercury.

She reacted quickly by pulling out her power stick with the Silver Crystal attached. "Silver Mercury Imperium Power!!!" The Silver Crystal shone bright blue illuminating the room, and engulfed Malachite's petty attack. When the light dimmed, Mercury was standing with a blue aura around her. Malachite was on the floor struggling to move.

"I can't beat her as long as she has the Crystal," he thought bitterly. "Maybe Queen Beryl will be merciful if I tell her of three of the Scouts demise." With that thought he vanished back to Beryl's throne room.

Mercury watched him vanish with a sad look in her eyes. She shook her head and then turned her attention back to Darien and Serena. She held her stick toward the sky, calmly saying, "Ice Blue Healing Revive." An ice blue light came from the Crystal, beamed down to Serena and Darien, and slowly began to heal them.


Meanwhile, Queen Beryl was not being quite as merciful as Malachite had hoped.

"Where is Selenite, Malachite?"

"She's still back there," he answered weakly.

"You failed and dared to return?"

"My Queen, all the Scouts except for Mercury have been destroyed," he said hoping to redeem himself.

"The weak, quiet little bookworm? She did this to you?" She cackled in spite of herself.

Malachite felt an enormous sweat drop slide down the back of his head, "She attacked me with the Imperium Silver Crystal, Majesty. It was amplified by her power stick, I don't know how she was able to control that power."

"I see…," Beryl said thinking. "I'll give you one last chance, Malachite, and I'll even accompany you. But make no mistake of my generosity; one slip and you'll suffer a fate worse than that of Jedite."

He bowed his head and raised his right hand over his heart, "Understood, my Queen."

She raised her hands over her orb and began to heal him; renewing this strength for the upcoming battle.

~End Part 24~

Now things have gotten serious! Beryl's getting involved! How will things turn out? How will Berl's presence influence the outcome of the battle? Stay tuned!

Heylo!!!! Yes, I know...baka me...late as always with getting another part out and I always have an excuse.... The excuse of this part is writer's block and I quit my job! Yes, I am currently unemployed and broke! Oh well, could be worse... But anyway, this part was originally meant to be longer so I could wrap up everything in the next part, but that's not going to happen now. I'm no longer setting limits on my part numbers. This will end when it ends! ^_^ Well, I gotta run again. I swear to you that the next part will be posted quicker than the others have been. Laters, mina-san!!! ^_^
