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Part 30

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"A Not so Crystal Clear Destiny"

What if Sailor Moon had been kidnapped and brain washed by the Negaverse instead of Tuxedo Mask? What would Darien have done? Who would take over as the leader of the Sailor Scouts? How would Serena's family and other friends react to her disappearance? These are just a few of the questions that I intend to answer in this story of what if.


Hey hey! Another note to give credit where it's so totally due! Most of this part was written by the one and only Celestia! So let her know what ya'll think! Drop her a line in the Guest book or send me an email with "Celestia" somewhere in the subject and I'll pass it on ^_^ So without further ado....Part 30 ^_^


With Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury all defeated Malachite felt confident that Serena was all his for the taking. He didn't even consider Darien to be a threat anymore due to his certain to be fatal wound if medical was not sought.

Malachite closed his cold steel grey eyes concentrating all his thoughts to finding Serena. After locating her, he used all his mind power to destort the time-space, thereby making Serena and Darien walk straight back to the main hall as they were making what they thought was the last turn out of the building.

~之才之~之才之~之才之~之才之~之才之才 (go Celestia!)

Serena and Darien were almost out of there, or so they thought, when a familiar figure standing before them. It was then they realized they were back where they started.

"You two are not going anywhere," Malachite said calmly and cool.

"Oh coward show your self" Darien said standing in front of Serena the best he could with his injuries.

"Well, well, well, You think that you can stop me Darien??" Malachite said comming out of the shadows.

"Yes I think that I can because I will always protect my princess from harm."

"Where's Mercury you creep?" Serena asked perring from behind Darien.

"Destroyed" Malachite said calmly with an evil smile, yet sad look upon his face.

"No............"Serena said in disbelief.

"Yes and now I will destroy your prince and there is nothing you can do about it."Malachite said laughing evilly powereing up.

"NO!!!" Serena cried, tears poring down her cheeks. Stepping beside Darien, she held out the cresant wand and changed into her princess form. In doing so Darien became his Prince form. "No Malachite, no you will not destroy Darien the same way you destroyed my friends" Serena sent a weak blast to Malachite warning him. "You will not have me either!" She sent another blast to Malachite. "Because, I will never love you the way that I love Darien. And even if I fail and am brainwashed again my love for you will not be real it will be a lie. And you will have to live that lie for eternity..." Serena sent a powerful blast to Malachite which forced him onto on knee. "And now Malachite you have two choices... One let me heal you or two..." Serena stopped crying and glared hard at Malachite, "You can be destroyed."

~End Part 30~

So now what? Will Malachite give in or will he fight until the bitter end? Stay tuned to later parts to find out!

YEA Celestia!!! Not only did ya make less work for me, but you also extended the fan fic for everyone ^_^ Now you are a very loved person by all who read this! As if you weren't already ^_^

Once again, mina-san, let her know how she did by dropping her a line in the Guest Book or sending me and email with her name in the subject. Domo arigato! Ja matta ne mina-san!!! ^_^
