Fanatic: Part 1

Portia:I am here on Fanatic to surprise my best friend Cassie and tell her that she is going to meet the boyz that are N da Sync!!

Portia walks over to where Cassie is praticing throwing the discus.

BAM!!!!! Suddenly the camera man is knocked down by the incoming discus. 15 minutes later the camera man is revived and They are ready to surprise Cassie.
Portia jumps out from behind the discus cage and surprises Cassie.

Portia: Cassie, you are going on Fanatic to meet da boyz that are N da Sync!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! God must have spent a little more time on you!!!!

Cassie(screaming hysterically): Chris! I'm gonna see Chris, Chris, Chris!!!!!!!!!!

Then Cassie starts crying out of joy

Portia and Cassie are screaming and they run to the limo. Portia makes a couple of laps around the limo then jumps in through the sun roof.

Portia: Cassie, you are gonna go see 'N Sync, ju'no Justin, Lance, Jo-

Cassie: What? Who are they? I don't care about 'dem, I just wanna see Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick!!!!!!

Finally they reach the airport. Then they arrive in Chicago. Bye then it is very late so they go to bed. Now it is in the middle of the night and Cassie cannot sleep.

Cassie: Girl, wake up!

Portia: Girl, what is jo problem? It is 3:07:39am!

Cassie: I can't sleep. I have to see Chris!

Portia: Girl, you got anover 12 hours!

Cassie: Okay, I just stay up until I can see Chris.

Portia: You'll be sleepy tomorrow.

Cassie: No I won't. I just had some crack/caffiene!

Portia: Whateva!
Cassie is now walking around the hotel room. Time is 5:02:53am

Cassie singing loudly while the music is blasting: IT'S TEARIN UP MY HEART-!

Portia: Girl, what the @#*%$^&! are you doing?

Cassie: Well, I wish I could be doing Chris but...

Portia: NO! That's not what I mean! Why are you dancin' around the room?!

Cassie: OHHHHHH! I'm practicing my moves for 'N Sync.

Portia: Girl, you are not going to dance for them. And what happened to the room?

Cassie: Oh, did you know there was a 7-11 across the street? I bought a buncha teenyboppers.

Portia: And just how much money did you spend?

Cassie: Oh, just over 300 dollar-dollar bills y'all!

Portia: WHAT?

Cassie: Um...yeah! The dude at the counter was yelling at me saying that this was not a library so I either bought them or I had to leave. And there were so many so I bought them all! Oh yeah, I just put them on the bill, so we ain't payin' for it!

Portia: $300, they had that many teenyboppers? Our room is covered with pictures!

The rest of the day goes rather smoothly except for the constant screaming, singing, dancing, and babbling about Chris from Cassie.

Time 2:00:05pm.

Portia and Cassie are getting ready for the interview. Portia is going to wear a phat LIGHT blue Fubu ladies shirt with a LIGHT blue, sleevless, Fubu baseball jersey over it. Then she has extremely baggy pants and LIGHT blue Fubu boxers. Casie is wearing a yellow on orange football Fubu jersey(like Chris')> She is also wearing extremely baggy Fubu jeans with an Orange and yellow stripe going down the side of the jeans. Portia is wearing very slick LIGHT blue Fubu boots and Cassie is wearing white Fubu sneakers with yellow and orange on it.

There is a knock at the door

Fanatic Lady: Are you girls ready to meet 'N Sync?

Cassie: I'm ready to see Chris but I don't know about the rest of them.

Portia: Girl, you got problems.

Portia and Cassie head down to the limo.
Cassie: Where are we going to meet Chris?

Chauffeur: We are going to the World Cosmic Bowling Alley/Arcade.

Cassie: How many more minutes?

Chauffeur: Oh, just 10 minutes.


Portia: Whateva.

Cassie is loudly singing "I Drive Myself Crazy" and instead of saying wanting you, she is saying wanting Chris. In the meantime Portia is loudly blasting Flipmode Squad "Hit You Off"

Portia: Girl, what are you doing?

Cassie: I see the bowling alley/arcade!

Portia: that don't mean you can climb through the roof while the car is in acceleration! Get down!

Cassie: We're here! We're Here!!
Then Cassie runs out of the limo and runs to the bowling alley/arcade. Portia is taking her time. Cassie is running down the hallway screaming.


Chris: Oh my gosh, is that Cassie?

Tune in later to find out what happens next on fanatic!!
Fanatic: Part 2
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