Fanatic:Part 2

Justin: Juno her name?

Chris: Oh yes, I did research on this girl

Justin: Oh my.

Suddenly Cassie and Portia run through the arcade doors

Cassie: Hi my name is-

Chris: CASSIE! Yes, I know.

NSYNC: Hi Cassie

Justin looking at Portia: What is jo name girl?

Portia: Excuse me, what is jo problem?

Justin: Nuthin' girl.

Portia: Stop calling me girl! I ain't jo girl! I know you want me, but you can't have me!(then she sits next to Lance) How you doin boy?

Then Justin sits next to Portia, Cassie and Chris sit next to each other, JC sits on the other side of Cassie, and Joey sits next to JC.

Cassie: My first question is fo Chris. Hold up! All dese questions is for Chris!

Portia: No Cassie, that's just the first two pages

JC: Two pages, my gosh! I don't think I can stay awake that long!

All the sudden you hear some one get smacked

Justin: OWWWWWWW GIRL!!!!! Why ju slap me?

Portia: Boy, I told you not to touch me!

Cassie: OOOOOOkay. Next question. If you had to pick one song that would describe you, what would it be?

Chris: Mine would be "It's All Good" by DMX

Cassie: Oh my.

JC: Mine would be "Gin and Juice" by Snoop Doggy Dogg

Everyone starts laughing

Justin: I pick "Nigga What, Nigga Who" by Jay-Z

Portia rolling her eyes: Whateva! It's more like "WIGGA What, WIGGA Who!!!!!"

Lance: Mine would be "Ghetto Cowboy"

Justin: Shut-Up Lance!!

Lance: What did I do?

Joey: Mine's is "Money, Cash, Hoes" by Jay-z cause I got ALL three!

Cassie: Okay, that was interesting. Next question. Portia you can ask this one

Portia: Okay, what inspired you the most, musically?

Lance: Well, being that I am from Mississippi, I was inspired by Garth-

Portia INSTANTLY falls to the ground and begins to laugh.

Portia: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!*gasping for breath* You like Garth Brooks? AHHHH HAAAAAAA! WHOAAAAAA! I'm okay.

Justin: I was influenced by some of da illest rappers and R&B singaz in tha biz today and yesterday.

Portia: Like who?

Justin: Ju'no, Jodeci, New Edition, Run DMC, and Makeveli.

Portia: Oh please!

JC: I was really influenced by crack/caffiene. No, I mean I was influenced by rappers who talked about crack-cafiene

Joey: I was influenced by my dad's 50's doo-woop group. And also, the hoes down on Canal Street.

Portia: That's interesting.

Chris: I was influenced by Bussa Bus, my braids, and fubu.

Portia: How did jo braids and fubu influence you?

Chris: I don't know but they make me look PHAT!

Cassie: Yes Chris, you are pretty hot and ESPECIALLY tempting!

Okay next question. What is your favortie vacation spot?

Chris: My favorite place is Cancun cause of all the great parties and the private dancer Andrea!

Cassie very disgusted: Who's Andrea?

Justin: You heard him, his PRIVATE dancer.

Cassie: WHAT???

Chris: SHUT-UP JUSTIN! Ummmmmm, anyways, forget I said that. Besides, I have Cassie now.

JC: My favortie place is the Tommy Hilfiger bed display at Hechts and the bathroom, since that's where I spend most of my time.

Portia: I'm not gonna ask.

Justin: My favorite place is da LBC. Juno da Long Beach Compton cause all my dawgz be chillin' dere.

Portia: Boy, ju don't know nuthin bout no dawgz!What da @#$%*! iz da Long Beach Compton?

Justin: Ju just pickin' on me cause ju KNOW, ju want dis!

Portia: PU-LEEZE boy! I don't want ju!

Justin: Yeah right!

Lance: My favorite place is Jamaica cause of all the nude beaches! I LOVE NUDE BEACHES! That way I can tan my pale-albino bootay. You know what else is fun?

Portia: What?

Lance: RIDIN' ON HORSES NUDE!!!!!!!!! I remember the days I used to ride on Toby nude *a tear trickles down his face*. It's really fun cause you're really free and open-

Cassie:OOOKAY! Thank u Lance next person.

Joey: My favorite place to go is Time Square after 10 p.m. cause all da hoes iz dere.

Cassie: Oh my.

JC: I have to go to the lil' boyz room.

Portia: Alright boy go do yo' thang.

Joey: My beeper just went off. I'ma go call dis person.

Joey and JC leave.

Portia: It's kinda hot in here. I think I need somethin' cold to drink.

Justin takes off his shirt, revealing Sean Jean wifebeater with the 3-D logo. The shirt is VERY tight and you can see the sculpture of his pectoralisises .

Justin: It iz kinda hot in here. I'll go get ju sumthin' to drink *wink wink*. What would ju like?

Portia: A large sprite please.

Chris: After this interview we should go to the club or somethin'.

Cassie: Well, Portia and I are going to Disney World tomorrow.

Chris: Hey, we have a concert there the day after tomorrow. If you come, then we can go and chill *wink wink*.

Cassie: OKAY!

Justin returns

Justin: Here's yo soda, Girl.

Portia mumbles: Um, Thank you.

Lance: Juno I think I wanna lil' sumthin' sumthin' to drank too. I'ma get me a fresh Dr. P.

Lance comes back in and it has been about 20 minutes since JC and Joey left. Suddenly Joey walks in the room with a half dressed hoochie and he is wearing a Superman speedo with a logo on the front, and a furry cape with the Superman logo. To top it all off he is wearing his pimp daddy Superman hat that is blue with a yellow and red feather in it. Oh and we can't forget the Pimp Daddy Superman cane.

Cassie with her eyes wide open: OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!

Chris: Joey didn't we tell you not to bring no mo' hoes on the road?!?!?!?!?

Joey: I didn't bring her, she beeped me. Like da Pimp Daddy always say I DON'T GET DA HOES, DA HOES COME TO ME!

Justin: Boy please go put jo pants on jo nasty @$$**!!!

Joey: A'ight A'ight. I'm sorry Coco, but ju gotsta go.

Coco: Bye Super I'll see you later!

Coco slaps Joey on the bootay as she leaves.

Lance: Dang! How long has JC been da bathroom?

Justin: 4 real doe! I besta check on him.

One minute later Justin runs back from the bathroom

Justin: Yo peeps! Sumthin' happened to JC!!!!!!

Tune in later to see what happens!!!!!!!!!!!
ohhh! Part three! I'ma bouts'ta read dis!