You Were Chosen, Now Meet Your Inspiration:FANatic

Okay, since MTV didn't choose me for FANatic, here's what would probably happen. Just to let you know, this is a colaboration between Portia and I. And when our two discombobulated minds come together it can only mean one thing, DISASTER! So enjoy! It should be finished in about 3 or 4 parts, but stay tuned for FANatic *UNCENSORED*!

FANatic: Part 1
FANatic: Part 2
!!!NEW!!! FANatic: Part 3

Okay there's a problem. I lost the draft paper that Portia gave with the fanatic story so now I can't finish the story till I find it. But I'm not sure if it got thrown away or not but hopefully I WILL find it. I KNOW you all want to see what is going to happen.