FANatic: Part 3

Justin: JC past out in the bathroom, AGAIN!

Portia: REALLY! I gosta see dis!

So everyone runs into the mens bathroom

Portia: Ew, da men's bathroom is da-da-da-dirty-dirty!

Cassie: Dang look at that mess

Not only is JC on the floor, but also on the floor were the remains of crack/caffiene, cocaine, herion, speed, LSD, marijuana, angel dust, PineSol, windex, toliet bowl cleaner, and kiwi strawberry kool-aid for ENHANCED flavor. There was also a silver mixing bowl, rubber band, a needle, and a popsicle stick for stiring.

Lance: We told that boy not to take anymore recipes from fans

Portia: I KNOW dat boy did not try inject all that stuff into his one time.

Cassie: For real.

Chris: Don't worry he does that all the time.

JC is now slowly beginning to wake up

JC: WHOAA! That was a great rush! I think I want to do that again!

Chris: Boy, no you don't! We need to go back so Cassie can start her 3 hour documentary in me.

Joey: 3 *beep* hours! My gosh! I gosta go manage my hoes. Hey Portia, would you like to be one of my hoes?

Portia: Boy what is jo' problem? I ain't no hoe!

Justin: You would probably be a good one! I'd pay GOOD dolla dolla billz!

Portia: Little boy boy get away from ME! And if you really wanna know, boy you need a silly hoe, just go and find your girlfriend Brittany for you.

Justin: I don't want that stinky @$$ whore!

Joey: Hey Cass, you would make a pretty good hoe too.


Joey: Okay, Okay. Chill bruh'.

Cassie: Ummmm, we need to go so I can start my documentary.

Chris: YEA-E YEA-E!

Then the four of them go back to the bowling alley slash arcade and Portia and Justin stay momentarily.

Justin: Ju'no, jo pants (he pauses) is like a mirror (he pauses again), I see myself in dem.

Portia: Listen hear wannabe NEGRO, don't mess with me or else I will hurt ju!

Justin: Oooooh, you're fiesty.

Then the two walk into the bowling alley slash arcade.

Joey: Where's Lance?

then they hear some music playing. It's "Thug Mentality".

Justin: What is dat boy doin'?

There is a fake horse outside the bowling alley slash arcade (the kind you put quarters in) and Lance is RIDING it. The horse is shaking....VIGOROUSLY.

Portia: Hey Lance!

Lance: Girl, call me da Ghetto Cowboy.

Portia: Can I get on wit ju?

Lance: Come on Girl!

Everyone is looking confused

Cassie: Ummm...I'm gonna go start my documentary now.

Chris: Go ahead Cass, I'm listenin'. Portia and Lance can do whatever they want.

Justin: No dey cain't!!!!

Chris: Shut-up and listen!.

Justin: Whateva.

Soon Portia and Lance come back and Chris' documentary is rolling.

Justin: Eh Portia, come and sit here!(pointing to his lap)

Portia: Boy, thank you but...HECK NO!

Chris: SHHHHH! Keep quiet! We're hearing about my first day in kindergarten.

Ten minutes passes by

Justin: Dis is WHACK! Hey P, wanna go to da arcade?

Portia: Dat be cool...If LANCE comes.

Joey: Ju'no, we should ALL just go.

Chris: Yeah, y'all can go. Cass and I will stay here (saying that and winking at Cassie).

Cassie: Uh yeah....LEAVE!

Everyone leaves except for Chris and Cassie

Justin: Portia, wanna play NBA shoot-out? (taking a hold of her hand)

Portia (snatching her hand QUICKLY away): Okay boy, I'll whoop you so bad-

Justin: So you want to whoop me?(he's smiling)

Portia: Ew! Let's just play da game.

Justin: We should make a lil' bet.

Portia: Okay how much?

Justin: We ain't usin' money!

Portia: Den what is we bettin'?

Justin: Okay, if I win you have to kiss me and if you win I have to kiss you.

Portia: Boy, ju got PROBLEMS! If I win I is gonna-

Justin: Okay it's a BET!

Portia and Justin begin to play. Meanwhile back at the bowling alley area Cassie and Chris are sitting sitting next to each other (rather closely).

Chris: Wow Cassie this is SUCH a great movie. Ya know what?

Cassie: What?

Chris: We should make our OWN movie!

Back in the arcade

Portia: HAHA Justin I win!!!!

Justin: Ooooh! That means I get to kiss you!

Portia: No you ain't!

Portia, Justin, Lance, JC, and Joey all go back to the bowling alley. But suddenly they all come to a frightening hault when they see Cassie and Chris.

Justin: OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!

Okay, as I have said I don't know if the story will be able to stay cause of my parents. They said it was not appropriate. Maybe if you email me I can send it to you. Sorry for the inconvenience!
FANatic Part:1
FANatic Part:2
Get me out of here! This story is FREAKY!