Chapter 5: On Their Own; Part 2: Finding What Was Lost
Alright, I know it's been a week or so, but I've been hesitating posting because for one, I don't have much written and I'm trying to make it last, and two, what I do have written hasn't really been reviewed by either Mars or my newly found beta-reader (yay! for her!). So yah, I'll try to get something more done, but no gaurantees for a while, since school is of teh evilness. If I can't get around to writing/posting FS sections, then I will try my best to get some more of the Blurbs up, just so you have *something*.
Well, in this section we *finally* get to meet the woman from Origin! Yay! Eris Alce Fehr-Ati. Her name broken down is as follows: Eris is Ares sister and her name means "discord". Alce was one of Acteon's hounds and the name means "strength". And Fehr-Ati, well that's just one I made up, thot it fit well. Sometime I *will* try to get up some (at least rough) chara descrips for you guys, and maybe even some detail, if I know it. But Eris (also called Ris by Deygo) is quite kewl, actually, which will hopefully be demonstrated later in the story. I'm trying to make her come across as a strong character, we'll see if it works.
I doubt anyone really cares about this, but if you were wondering wot the whole conversation between Deygo and Eris would look like in Nay'weh Spay'chu, I'll put it below. I won't bother to put the translation for you, since you can compare it to the actual post. For those of you who don't care, just skip the next bit.
*******Story Excerpt Translation*******
Upon seeing who it was, she smiled brightly, her body visibly relaxing. “IndiEygo Ezion! Ee’teh hai’seh bay’neh j’ai wee’lay’loo! Stee’lu wu’r’kee’ng’tu fu’reh thai’teh twees’tay’deh rai’teh-bai’s’tai’r’du fray’ai’keh, Veymos?”
“Eris Alce Fehr-Ati. Bloh’n’tu ai’seh ay’vay’reh, J’ee say’loo. Ai’n’du ah’ay’seh. J’ee hai’vay’loo ku’may’loo tu’loo tai’kay’loo tute bai’k’u tu’loo hee’meh.”
She laughed lightly and resumed brushing the remaining few bits of debris from her clothes. “Ai'n'du wai'teh? Ee'feh J'ee ray'foh'say'loo tute ai'ray'loo gu'eeng'tu tu'loo oh'say'loo thai'teh nee'fay'loo?”
“Ee'feh J'ee hai'vay'loo tu'loo,” Deygo said, his face and voice betraying no emotion.
Eris looked up sharply, surprised by his reply. She was suddenly much more serious. “Tute nu'weh J'ee kai'nu'teh gu'loo bai'ku. J'ee wee'lu nu'teh.”
“J'ee ai'meh ai'frai'ee'deh tute hai'vay'loo nu'loo chu'ee'say'loo.” Deygo advanced toward Eris.
“J'ee ai'l'wai'ah'seh hai'vay'loo j'ai chu'ee'say'loo!” Eris said, bringing her hands up swiftly, raising a cloud of dust and rubble with them. She sent it flying at Deygo. Knowing she would have an amount more of protection if she fled inside the building, she turned to enter, only to find the entrance blocked by a ball of solid shadow. She turned and glared at Deygo, who was kneeling under a dome of dark energy, using it as a shield from the debris that was still flying about. He had one of his hands pointed upward, keeping his shield in place, the other was pointing toward the window, holding the ball of shadow there as an effective barrier.
“IndiEygo,” Eris said, her voice containing no small amount of menace. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes a moment, trying to be reasonable. “IndiEygo,” she started again, this time sounding much calmer and looking directly at him. “Tute nu'weh mah'loo ray'ai'su'neh~s fu'reh nu'teh gu'eeng'tu bai'ku. Trah'loo tu'loo bay'loo rai'tee'u'nai'leh ai'bu'oh'teh thee'seh. Tute nu'weh J'ee wee'lu joh'stu ay'scai'pay'loo ai'gai'ee'neh.”
“NU'LOO,” Deygo said firmly. “J'ee moh'stu bree'ng'tu tute tu'loo hee'meh.”
“Boh'tu wah'loo, IndiEygo?”
“BAY'KAI'OH'SAY'LOO J'EE MOH'STU!!” Deygo shouted, dropping both the shield and the barrier, and sending all his energy in a single blast towards Eris. Caught off-guard by the suddenness of his redirection, Eris was hit full-force in the stomach chest, and was knocked backwards against a tree, hitting her head sharply on the trunk. Knocked unconscious by the force of the blow, she slumped down at the base of the tree.
Deygo stood where he was, breathing heavily, trying to regain his composure, and fully comprehend what he had just done. As he realized that Eris was knocked cold, and it had been by his hand, he felt a rush of emotion pulling at him. He hurriedly pushed these feelings back, alarmed by his lack of control – both emotionally and magically. He moved toward the fallen woman, berating her quietly. “Dai'mee'teh, Eris. J'ee dee'd*u'teh may'ai'neh tu'loo du'loo thai'teh. Boh'tu wah'loo moh'stu tute ai'l'wai'ah'seh bay'loo su'loo dee'fee'koh'l'tu?”
He kneeled down beside Eris’ collapsed form and pulled out from under his cloak what appeared to be a headband. Gently lifting her away from the tree, he placed the band around her head, then bound her hands behind her back. The cuffs were made from a special anti-magic substance that Veymos had acquired for just such occasions.
“Uunnnggghhh…” Eris groaned as she began to come around.
“Ris?” Deygo asked softly, sitting down and holding her.
“IndiEygo? Tute... tute hee'teh may'loo. Hai'r'du.”
“Ah'ay'seh, J*meh su'rah'loo. J'ee dee'deh nu'teh may'ai'neh tu'loo.”
“Thai'teh ray'ai'lah'loo blu'dah'loo ho'r'tu,” Eris said, still slightly shocked that Deygo had actually hit her.
“Ah'ay'seh. J'ee ai'meh su'rah'loo,” he said again.
“...Su'loo, nu'weh wai'teh?” Eris asked after a moment’s pause.
“Way'loo wee'lu wai'ee'teh hay'ray'loo oh'n'tee'leh tute ai'ray'loo stai'blay'loo ay'nu'oh'f'tu tu'loo wai'l'ku – tute tu'keh j'ai vay'rah'loo pu'way'r'foh'leh blu'weh. Thay'neh way'loo ai'ray'loo lay'ai'vee'ng'tu tu'loo gu'loo gay'teh thay'loo ket fu'ray'ee'nay'reh~s bay'fu'ray'loo thay'ah'loo kai'oh'say'loo tu'loo moh'chu tru'oh'blay'loo.”
Deygo nodded. “J'ee ay'n'ku'ohn'tay'ray'deh thay'meh ee'neh thay'loo fu'ray'stu oo'neh mah'loo wai'ah'loo hay'ray'loo.”
“Oh? Play'ai'say'loo, ay'lai'bu'rai'tay'loo,” Eris coaxed. She was hoping to get him to a state where he was unsuspecting enough for her to be able to use her illusionary power on him. Deygo smiled slightly as a look that could only be described as utter perturbation crossed Eris’ face.
“Tute poh'teh j'ai 'thu'oh'f'tu-bee'n'day'reh' oo'neh may'loo, dee'd*u'teh tute? Bai's'tai'r'du!” she accused, while pulling angrily away from him.
“Ai'n'du nu'weh J'ee ai'meh glai'deh thai'teh J'ee dee'deh. Tute du'teh thee'n'ku J'ee wu'oh'l'du mai'kay'loo thay'loo sai'may'loo mee'stai'kay'loo twee'say'loo, du'loo tute?”
“Oo'nay'loo ku'oh'l'du hu'pay'loo,” she said, still looking quite pissed off.
Deygo laughed at Eris’ expression.
“Ee'teh ee'seh nu'teh foh'nah'loo,” she growled.
“J'ee kai'n*u'teh hay'l'pu ee'teh. Tute joh's'tu lu'keh su'loo... koh'tay'loo way'neh tute ai'ray'loo ai'nu'ah'ay'deh.” She glared savagely at him. He caught the look and realized that he would be so dead if that band ever came off, and decided that he ought to change the subject.
“Du'loo tute stee'lu wai'n'tu tu'loo hay'ai'reh ai'bu'oh'teh thay'loo fu'r'ay'ee'nay'reh~s J'ee fu'oh'n'du?” he asked her. She shrugged and turned her back to him, moping. “J'ee wee'lu tai'kay'loo thai'teh ai'seh j'ai 'soh'ray'loo, Deygo. Wah'loo nu'teh?' Tute shu'oh'l'du pru'bai'blah'loo nu'weh wai'teh tute wee'lu bay'loo trai'vay'leeng'tu wee'thu, ai'nah'wai'ah'loo. Fee'r'stu, lay'teh may'loo tay'lu tute ufe thay'loo Day'st'roh'k'tee'vay'loo Oo'nay'loo...”
*******End Excerpt Translation*******
Oiyah, that was long. That was like a repost of a majority of the actual post. Yeesh. Anyway, that was probably more than anyone really wanted to know, but I thot that eventually someone, somewhere might be curious as to wot it would look like. Please forgive any errors in my translation of the NS (not that anyone can tell if it's wrong or not 'sides me), but it's late, and I'm tired. As you can probably deduce, I posted most of their dialogue in English with the knowledge that they were really speaking in NS for simplicity's sake. I found it easier than constantly referring to footnotes. Anyway, I s'pose I should stop babbling now, before this Rant gets too much longer. It's already a beast. Hopefully I'll get an update done on Sunday, but I got midterms Monday, so we'll see!
Chapter 5: On Their Own; Part 1: Bad Beginnings
Okay, first off, you *know* that when there are rules in situations such as these, they are *going* to get broken, and things are *going* to happen, for better or worse. Anyway, I kinda like this post, it's fun. AND there's a new character! W007! Jodin Jodin! You'll just have to wait to see wot he's up to.
I really didn't mean to intro a new character before officially intro'ing the woman from Libitina, but it just kinda happened. So voila! We have Jodin. And Jodin's name is a bit of a play on Odin. Odin with a "J". So yah, there ya have it. And currently, I have 2 more posts written, we'll see if I can't get any more done here soon, to try to keep ahead of the update schedule. Look forward to the next post! Trust me, it's a good one!
Blurb: A Reason for Measuring
Whaha! Done with Chapter 4! Now here is a Blurb. I command you, Read! This Sunday you'll hopefully get the first post of Chapter 5. W007!
And yes, I really do have a rubber ruler. It's green and very kewl. Obey its bendiness!
Chapter 4: Entering the Past; Part 7: Reflection
Well, *more* history of Deygo is elaborated on here. You get to see why he's helping Mars and RK, and see that he has a past relationship with the woman that was introduced in Chapter 3. (The only reason all the references to her in this post are in italics is to differentiate references to her from references to others.) Uh, don't know wot else to say 'bout this post really, it's rather self-explanatory.
I doubt I'll be able to get the next post up on Wednesday, but ya never know. You may get lucky. And I actually got another section written for FS, too. In the next 2 sections two new characters are introduced. Well, one new, the other we're just formally meeting the woman from Chap. 3. Anyway, I'll try to stay up on posts, but really it's a matter of inspiration and time, but inspiration mostly. But this is the last part in Chapter 4, next time's a Blurb, then we'll be starting Chapter 5. Yay!
Chapter 4: Entering the Past; Part 6: Debate
I have to say, I do like the dialogue in this part. It moves rather fast and (I hope) is fairly entertaining. So, we finally get to meet Deygo's family. Too bad they're all dead. And again, RK threatening with her stick. Maybe she's also using sticks 'cuz they're a bit more non-lethal than the average knife. Could be... And Mars says "bubble-tastic", that's pretty kewl. ^_^ And you just *know* something's going to go wrong once Deygo leaves. That's generally the way it works in these scenarios, yah?
Anyway, there's only one more post for this Chapter, then you'll get a Blurb, and I only have one post written for Chapter 5, so don't expect much for a while. I'll try to post the Blurbs that I have and hopefully they'll last a little while. But this term is being terribly evil to me, so unfortunately I don't have that much time to write. I mean last week I had a scheduled quiz, a pop-quiz, and 2 papers due, this week I have another quiz, a midterm Friday, Monday I have 2 more midterms, and Wednesday is yet another one. Not to mention *all* the reading I have yet to catch up on, and another paper due next Friday. Gah! Anyway, I *will* write and post when I can, so please, be patient!
Chapter 4: Entering the Past; Part 5: A Touching Moment
Well, uh, this post seems mainly just to be a look at more of Deygo's personal history. And just so you're pronouncing the names of his siblings right, it's "DAY-vee-un" and "Chi-ZEER-ah". And Deyvion is a boy and Chizira is a girl. Got it? Good. We also actually see that Mars *can* be nice at times, too. *dodges flying bricks from Mars' way*
ANYWAY, there's only 3 posts left that I have written, two of which Mars hasn't replied to me on, so if there's something fundamentally wrong with them, blame her. ;) *dodges more flying bricks* But I must warn you, after everything's posted that I have written, you'll be in Blurb-ville for a while, and then if I *still* don't have any story written (which hopefully won't happen, but it might) it'll be a post as it's done thing. Sorry, but school really must come first (unfortunately). And I need my little writing muse to come visit me, anyway, for anything good to come of my writing. So, just be aware posts of the main storyline may be becoming scarce.
Chapter 4: Entering the Past; Part 4: An Unexpected Display of Power
Poor RK. Again, I'd like to point out that she *didn't* destroy the wall, just the gates. The wall falling down was just in the sequence of events that RK kind of, well, initiated. Anyway, I know this update is short, but it is rather humorous. And you get to see another way Deygo's power may be used. It's a good thing for Deygo RK *doesn't* have the ability to bore holes in heads, tho, otherwise he might suddenly find himself more useful as a collander than a guide. ~_^
Chapter 4: Entering the Past; Part 3: Ruins
First of all, I'd just like to point out it wasn't *entirely* RK's fault the wall fell down. All she did was break the gates. It was *Deygo's* little blasty thing that knocked down the wall. But *sigh*, ah well. RK gets blamed for so much anyway, why not a little more destruction, too, eh?
But I really do kinda like this part. Especially Deygo's shouting. "Where the Hay’loo ai’ray’loo tute, you Day’mu’neh ufe Kai’oo’seh!!" I think it's kewl. If it were all in Nay'weh Spay'chu, it would read, "Way'ray'loo thay'loo Hay'loo ai'ray'loo tute, tute Day'mu'neh ufe Kai'oo'seh!!" Don't know if you care, but I'd thot I'd say that anyway. I actually broke it between NS and English, 'cuz I thot it sounded bit more dramatic or something. Anyway, I just find this whole scenario rather humorous.
I think that's 'bout it for this post. At least it's an all jolly one for once! Whoo! ^_^
Chapter 4: Entering the Past; Part 2: Death Land
Yay! Finally! A little more light-hearted comedy! At least, the first part of the post. AND a little look into Deygo's feelings of this place. More on that to come later. Trust me. There's like, whole sections devoted to his reminiscing. (Hey, can *you* think of a better way to relay info of the history of this place than thru memories?) Anyway, I kinda like this one. And really, I *don't* know wot's up with RK and sticks. She's actually more of a knife person when they're handy. *sigh* But I *suppose* sticks work in a pinch if there is nothing else about.
And, I'd just like to point out, this post is actually *on time*! W007! Score one for da Almighty Ham! Whoosha! ^_^
Chapter 4: Entering the Past; Part 1: Towards Origin
Okay, Okay. It's been awhile I know. Let's just say I was on a bit of a forced hiatus (with an added dose of laziness and uninspiration). But here you are! Finally! An Update! We'll see how long I can stay ahead of the posts with my writing. Right now, I just finished up Part 1 of Chapter 5, so we'll see. In a few weeks you may just be getting updates whenever I write another bit.
Anyway, today's post. You should now at least know kinda wot happened to the place to cause there to be dead bodies just lying around. Bits and pieces will be filled in as the story goes. Looks like Mars and RK also have a new traveling partner. S'pose that's a good thing. Better'n them runnin' about all by themselves. That'd be scary. Scary enough that they're even there. Anyway, after a whole chapter of dark and depressing things, it looks like there'll be a few more lighter posts. Hopefully, anyway. I don't want this whole thing to be *too* dark.
Um, really, that's all I can think of. Maybe if I get to the point where I'm writing the post then posting it right away I'll have more to say. Kinda hard to talk about something I wrote months ago. Ah well. You should just be glad I finally updated! Ha! ^.^
(Oh, and Mars. 'Bout your little comment on my not updating... Let's see... Your last update of your Rant was when...? August 29th? That's wot? *counts on fingers* 22 days? Least mine was only 18. ~.^)
Blurb: The Naming of the Mouse
Sorry I didn't post this until almost 2 days late, but yesterday was my b-day, we were up in the woods all day (we didn't actually even *get* home until 11:00pm or so), and company was leaving and all today. So it's been busy busy.
Anyway, today's post. We had a Naming of the Ham, so as a counterpart, Mars has gotta have her Naming of, too. As far as I know, when she first moved out here her nickname was kinda "Maus" as in German for "mouse." Wot I call her is more of a "Mahs," her name shortened with a Bostonian 'r' pronunciation, so it sounds more like Moss than Mars. But I always type it "Mars," tho if it were truly shortened typing it'd be "Marc." But wotever. She is Mars in the Blurbs, so this is her "Naming Of..." bit. Yay for Mars!
Chapter 3: Libitina; Part 6: Bittersweet Peace
So all, I think this is the last part in this chapter. Whoohoo! (I'd have to go check my little scratch paper to be sure, but I'm too lazy right now to go and get it.) Now on to something hopefully a little more upbeat, at least for a couple of posts.
Oh, and sorry 'bout not getting this up yesterday. It really did just totally slip my mind. Bad Ham, bad. And apparently I can't tell wot day of the week it is either, 'cuz I guess I said I had Wed's post up when it was only Sunday. Ah well.
Well, anyway, least there was something like closure for this character. At least, for her past at Origin. Don't worry, we'll be seeing more (probably lots more) of her later. I'm really close to writing the section where she's intro'd into the story formally. But post-wise, that's a while off.
Chapter 3: Libitina; Part 5: Ignored By Death
Looky! An actual update and on time even! Lucky you! Hurrah for me! Joyous all around! *ahem* ANYWAY, just a few more weeks of this twice a week stuff, then you'll be lucky to even getz an update once a week when school starts. I'll try, I really will! But I'll have school, hopefully a job, and *hopefully* a dog, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have to write, but I do want to continue this. It just might be a little slower than it has been.
So, on to today's post. You have a bit of a revelation as to why this chick can survive. Immortality, maybe? Hmm... And ya know, that would really suck to be starving to death but not really dying. And it's very good of her not to be holdin' any grudges 'bout the suited guys. I mean, they were only doing their job, afterall, and if that meant a few dying, so be it. Little did they realize the extent of Libitina. Well, 'tis the way it is in the name of the story set-up. I really don't have a whole lot to say on this. So I guess I'll just shut-up now and go away.
Chapter 3: Libitina; Part 4: Meeting Old Companions
Yah, I know this is late. Almost two days late. Deal with it. I was busy. And my wrist hurts. :( Poor Ham. Anyway, it's up, so yay! for that. AND I wrote another Blurb, tho I'm not crazy about it. Ah well, fan fodder, I guess, tho you won't be seeing it for quite some time yet.
So... Let's see, about today's post... I got the name Libitina from looking thru some name book I have. Thot it was kinda appropriate, and it's the only female name for Death I have been able to find. Thot I'd be unique in that way, too, make Death female, that is. At least, name-wise. I thot the scene with the Spirits was quite touching. And no, I don't know who the dude is that she talks to. Maybe she knew him well, maybe she didn't, I've never really thot much on it. But I always feel him as a strong personality. Maybe you'll see him again after this chapter, I don't know. Like I said, I haven't thot on it. Guess that's pretty much it for today. Just meet some Spirits and be on your way. (heh heh, I rhyme. ^_^)
Chapter 3: Libitina; Part 3: Lost Memories
This is just some background of what happened in Etuua (as is this whole chapter). I thought it would be easier to focus on just one locale so people could get an idea of what happened and really *feel* for the incident. Basically this same thing occurred everywhere, or spread everywhere until the whole planet was affected. This incident was simply the first among many.
Anyway, this character we're following right now you *will* get to meet later, and she *does* have a name. But I'm not telling you yet. You'll just have to wait. Especially since I haven't even written those sections yet. But I gotz lots of ideas floatin' around. Just gotta do it. *sigh* I'll get to it, I'll get to it.
Right now I started another Blurb today (haven't written one of those in a *long* time), but not sure when I'll finish it. Kinda difficult getting inspired at work, then not being able to do anything about it. Then I'm totally uninspired by the time I get home. Frustrating indeed. Anyway, more Wednesday.
Chapter 3: Libitina; Part 2: Reminisce
I know these sections don't give you much, but I had to pick the best places for a split in updates, so too bad. I really kinda like this chapter. I find it very moving and visual. And yeah, I guess I had a particular building in mind at school, and I s'pose the school in general, but I usually use things around me as models in what I write. I just think a lot. Just "what if's" and things like that, things that make me *feel* and *think*. I like that, and that was what I was using when I wrote this. Anyway, I like it and don't care if you don't. We'll get back to more Mars, RK, and Deygo in a few more updates.
Chapter 3: Libitina; Part 1: And So It Begins...
Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm late updating AND there's only one bloody paragraph. Sorry 'bout that. It just turned out that way section-wise. I feel like I'm jipping you guys (wow, I'm being hopeful by making that plural) by only giving you one paragraph. *sigh* Somehow, I'll just have to live with myself. *looks around, then cackles maniacally* *ahem* Anyway, you only have to wait a couple more days for a bit of a longer update.
This chapter, by the way, I originally wrote in first-person as a stand-alone piece. But when I started working on FS, it just seemed to fit quite well for background info, and saved me from having to type a *whole* 'nother explanation, so I just switched things from 1st person to 3rd, gave the character a gender and called it good. If you'd like to read the original piece, you can find it here. Since it's my work and it's just over on my other site, I'm not gonna have it pop-up out of the frames for this site. Alright? Good. Of course, if you read it now, it will spoil this next chapter of FS for you, since it's basically the same thing, just different views. I'll leave it up to you whether you want to ruin the anticipation or not.
Blurb: The Naming of the Ham
Ok, Ok, I give in. I like Mars' idea 'bout keepin' da comments for each post better than mine of just deleting them each update, so yah. Starting now I'll keep them. You'll just be minus the first few. But you're also minus a few of Mars' right now, 'cuz she never posted them with the update, so I figure it works out about even.
Anyway, today's post has nothing to do with the story. It's just a Blurb. If you visited this site before I started posting FS, you've probably read it, but too bad. I have to get through the written stuff before I'll write and post anything new, so nyah. But let's see, The Naming of the Ham. If you don't realize, Ham is an actual nickname of mine in RL, thus the title. Even though Ham is mentioned nowhere in the Blurb. 'Tis true. And Kell-Lee I came up with when I was thinking of an alias to use in the FK fanbase stuff many years ago. I liked the name Kelly at the time, but wanted to be unusual in the spelling. The RK came later. I needed a last name, and it was originally Kell-Lee Kallie Exxess (Kell-Lee K.E.), but I didn't really like it much. So it got changed to Kell-Lee Riley Kellie. When I started using Revo Keshmon as another alias, I thought it fit better with Kell-Lee, thus the name morphed to Kell-Lee Revo Keshmon, aka Kell-Lee RK. I like RK, well, just because, and it kinda sounds like arcade, which is neat. The Revolutianoire came when I simply felt like making Revo short for something, and it's a play on Revolutionary. So for FS, I wanted to use one of my characters, but not Kell-Lee, so came along RK. She's something like a more mature version of Kell-Lee. ANYWAY, that's probably *way* more than you wanted to know about the evolution of my current base alias on the internet. Just consider yourself well-educated.
I think that probably just about does it. I think I should shut-up and go away before you die of boredom. ~_^' Till next time and an actual story update, Ta!
Chapter 2: Etuua; Part 4: Night Visitor
Heh, ok, first off. The "no more nekkid sheep. Strip grazing evil" thingy came from a quote from one of my animal science classes. Someone asked what strip grazing was, and one of the students gave the sarcastic answer of "naked sheep." I thought it was funny. Anyway, this has *got* to be my most favorite post so far that I've written. I absolutely love the visualization I get when I read this. And for some reason, it seems large sticks are RK's weapon of choice. Not sure why. I never intended them to be, they just always seem like they'd be handy. Ah well. Sticks it is then! And I just have to say, poor them and poor him. Everyone seems so clueless about everyone else. But I s'pose that's ok. Things might get sorted out a bit later. That's pretty much all I have to say 'bout this one, but it *is* very very kewl.
(Just a note: From this line down are re-written Rantages from the first few posts of Flip Shift. It was buggin' me that I have all of them except the first few, so I am writing new rants for them and posting them below. Also bear in mind the original posting dates are most likely incorrect, or may be off a bit. I was guessing, trying to remember when it was the section was first posted. Anyway, it's probable no one really cares about any of this, but it makes me feel better having it up. So nyah. XP )
Chapter 2: Etuua; Part 3: Making Camp
First off, yes, I really am that prepared when I go into the woods or wherever else. Camping essentials: TP and Matches/lighter. (Of course, that's along with a spare change of clothes, food, water, and safety whistle.) So yah, it would be feasible that RK would have a lighter on her.
And taking turns keeping watch? That never works in stories, people should realize this by now. I mean, there's really only so long one can stay awake if the sandman is hammering in your brain. Trust me. He's quite persuasive when he wants to be. But this sets up nicely for one of my *favorite* sections, which is posted next.
Chapter 2: Etuua; Part 2: Being Watched
Hmm... Well here we get our first hint that FS might not be that pleasant a place. Dead dudes in the middle of trails in spooky forests. That's not exactly right. I think I'd kinda freak out, too, if I tripped over a skeleton.
And we also meet a brand new character for the first time. What will he do to Mars and RK? Don't worry, you'll see a *lot* more of this guy in a couple posts.
Chapter 2: Etuua; Part 1: Flip Shift
And voila! Mars and RK are now in Flip Shift! Now the fun can really begin... Or at least the story, at any rate. I really don't know how I'd react being transported to another world like this. It would be kinda freaky, but, as RK says, rather kewl.
And just a note: Flip Shift is not a shift in time, forward or backward, it is a shift in reality. I'm not exactly sure *where* Mars and RK went, but I always kinda thought it was an alternate version of their own reality. Sort of like another dimension. Kind of. If you've read any scientific literature about alternate realities existing to our own -- multiple dimensions, basically -- you start to get the idea of it all. Supposedly there are realities co-existing with our own, in which everything that is not happening in our world, is happening in that one. All options are played out somewhere. It's just that we, as we are, cannot perceive these dimensions, which hover just beyond our senses. It is suspected that small particles, such as electrons, might move between these dimensions, thus an explanation of electrons suddenly disappearing and reappearing in another location. It's a really intriguing idea that I'm rather fond of. *That's* kinda wot Flip Shift is. Mars and RK just happened to step into an alternate reality of their own. Thus a Flip, and a Shift.
Blurb: L337 (0|\/|@|\||>3|2
Ah, the first Blurb of da posts. The Blurbs were originally meants to be very short, like this one. But as I wrote more of them, they just kinda kept getting longer and longer, until some reached a couple pages in length. Urk. The style of these is kinda set up like a script. It worked well, and got right down to the point in most cases. I found it relatively easy to write in this style when I was doing solely Blurbs, but after having worked so long on FS without writing a Blurb, coming back to this style was difficult. Or should I say, switching between present tense working solely around action and the dialogue and past tense, with lots of description and stuff is quite difficult.
But I just find this Blurb to be really funny. Just the visualization of RK being an evil dictator over an anthill makes me smile every time I think of it. And that is L337 that they are speaking, with all the funny characters, in case you didn't know. And I know that the phrase is usually "L337 M@5T3R" (Leet Master), but I wanted to be different, so RK is the "Leet Commander" instead. So there. XP
Chapter 1: Introduction; Part 2: Mysterious Happenings
Again, I must reiterate, old spooky cabins in the middle of the woods = not good. Lights lighting themselves = worse. Reading from ancient books in strange texts = the stupidest thing one could do in such a situation. But then again, where would the story be if people weren't even just slightly idiotic at times?
And damn those floorboards. Always causing trouble.
Chapter 1: Introduction; Part 1: Video Games Promote Creativity!
Well, this post demonstrates why Mars and RK should not be left to their own devices when there are video games present, and a lack of mature supervision (not necessarily adult). And we meet Sandy. You most likely will not see Sandy again for a long, long time in FS. But there will be a Blurb posted eventually, describing exactly how she came to be Mars and RK's roommate, as well as at least two more Blurbs with her in it that I can recall off the top of my head. So you'll just have to wait for those. However, anyone who can make a bolo from computer mice just has to be kewl, yah?
Oh, and never, *never* listen to RK when she suggests something stupid like going to stay in an old abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods. In fact, don't listen to *anyone* who suggests this. They are morons and no good can come of it.
On to Mars' Rantage
On to Erato's Rantage
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