Welcome all to Flip Shift! This is kinda like a webcomic without any comic, 'cuz I don't know anyone that can draw that well! (And I wouldn't have room on this site, even if I did!) So, I suppose it's more like an ongoing story. Anyway, it should be fun!
Tag Board died! Everybody say "awww..." If I find a new one, I'll put it up.
Rantage of the Moment
Mars' Rant for 10/08/06
Space's Rant for 10/08/06
Erato's Rant for 10/08/06
Current Posts
Current for 09/26/05
Censored Current for 09/26/05
Character Profiles
Click here!
I gotz some of them up! I'll get the rest up as soon as they're completely filled out.
FS Other Pages
Click here!
These are just extra pages related to Flip Shift that I thought people might find useful.
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