This page is best viewed in Netscape Navigator. Tho I do believe IE works, too. It's just better in Netscape.
Updates are located at The Rants of Navii: Go here to find out what's new at Station Space2_0 and the Station Space2_0 Addition!
(Click on today's date to get the latest info. If there is nothing, you will not be able to view that date. Just FYI. ^_^ )
And for more specific Flip Shift Updates, I generally post those on the tag-board located on the Flip Shift Main Page.
Flip Shift
Okay all, Flip Shift is what this site was originally intended for, I believe. You can read a little more 'bout wot's happening with this on the actual Flip Shift page.
Space's Page!: This one's mine! ALL MINE!! BWAHAHAHA!!! Cower before me, pathetic mortal beingz!! I am the Almighty and Powerful Ham!