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7.1) Get ready to type

Curve your fingers and position them upright (not slanting) on home keys. Keep your wirsts low and relaxed.

7.2) Conditioning practice

First time: Slow, easy pace; work for quick, snappy keystrokes.

Second time: Faster pace; move from key to key quickly.

Type each line twice

a;sldkfj fjdksla; hj ed ol tf ik nj ws .l Lt. Hahn

It is new. I saw J. N. knew. He is now with Lew.

it is do of he she the then than and own town wish


7.3) Learn new keys: r right shift c

  1. Find new key on chart above.
  2. Find new key on keyboard.
  3. Study reach technique below.
  4. Watch finger make reach.
  5. Type reach-technique drill.

a.) Reach technique for r
Reach up with left first finger.

r rf rf or or for for for

r or or ore ore risk risk

b.) Control of right shift key
Reach down with right little finger; shift, type, release.

F; F; Do Al A. E. Dane F;

Flo Flo Sid Sid Todd Todd

c.) Reach technique for c
Rach down with left second finger.

c cd cd cot cot dock dock

c c cod cot cot sick sick

7.4) Improve keystroking technique

Type each line 3 times
(slowly, faster, slowly);

or or for for rid rid rod rod work work risk risks

Todd Wills laid the tile; then Sid Foss washed it.

cold cold colt colt cost cost lock lock wick wicks

Chris Reis checks clocks. Dr. Farj checks hearts.

7.5) Type with continuity

Type drill twice; repeat if time premits

Technique cue

Reach with the fingers, not the hands.

he is to do if she to the we did that is work with
Reid is to do all the work; Joe has said it is so.

a fan and hand can call lacks cash can land a cask
Dan can flash a cash call. Nan lacks half a sack.

can do in for and sons low cost is rich work jeans
Rick knew he won the clock. He had seen the list.

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