






David M. Scheetz

Welcome to my homepage.



Latest News and Events:

4/7:  Still working for Symantec, now I'm in the Sales Department working for the Inside Technology Engineering Team.  We do Pre-Sales technical support for Sales Engineers and Large Area Account Reps.  It's not customer facing so it's much, much less stressful.

Other than that, nothing to report.  Thanks for stopping by.

7/6:  Haven't updated forever.  I'm working for Symantec as a firewall support technician.  I've got a new ride (click for pics).  Other than that, my life is really, really boring right now.

3/05:  Still unemployed. 

12/04:  Still unemployed.  Not much to report

06/04-Present: Seeking a job in a VERY tough market.  Haven't had much luck...yet....we'll see.

06/04:  Moved to Vancouver, WA, the trip was a grueling 4 day event that I wouldn't recommend.  55mph *at best* in a Geo Tracker with a small, and tipsy utility trailer in tow.  Yeah, great idea.

06/04:  FINALLY!!  Finished my Master's degree!

Site designed by David M. Scheetz, Last updated 1/27/05