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~ April Diary ~

[ flowers ]

Wednesday, April 1
April Fool's Day *twinkle*

Thursday, April 2
I love getting messages in my guest book!

Friday, April 3
I'm glad it's Friday.
I don't know why. All days are the same.

Saturday, April 4
I stay home all day. It's a shame to waste a sunny day.

Sunday, April 5
My husband does the taxes.
He asked me to pay the bills and I forgot the mortgage.
The IRS is not as nice as the bank.

Monday, April 6
I'm sick again. The doctor changes my meds. My mood is good.

Tuesday April 7
Spring cleaning time and I'm sick!

Wednesday, April 8
No improvement. The doctor deletes one med.

Thursday, April 9
I forget to stop taking the med.

Friday, April 10
I don't want the depression to return.
The doctor is convinced I need the antidepressant.  He prescribes a different one.

Saturday, April 11
I'm itchy.  Am I allergic to the new med?
My husband takes me to McDonald's for dinner.

Easter Sunday, April 12
This sickness hangs on.  My metabolism is a mess. Maybe it's not the meds. Maybe I'm sick.  I'm depressed because I stayed home today.

Monday, April 13
I bake bread today. I have an idea!

Tuesday, April 14
Eating peanuts and chatting at MGH, I felt a crunch in my dental work.
Tomorrow I see the dentist.

Wednesday, April 15
See you in the funny papers

Thursday, April 16
The dentist fixes my dental work.
He notices cavities. I go back in three weeks for fillings.

Friday, April 17
I decide to bake bread every day until I can remember the recipe.

Saturday, April 18
I spend the day with friends. I shop alone. I go straight to bed when I get home.

Sunday, April 19
Uncontrollable sobbing in the morning.

Monday, April 20
I feel emotional.  I have a trying day.

Tuesday, April 21
I fear I'm sinking into a depression.

Wednesday, April 22
The doctor suggests I increase the anti-depressants.

Thursday, April 23
My back is hurting. My legs are hurting.

Friday, April 24
Visitors stop by. We have a pleasant evening. I'm exhausted when they leave.

Saturday, April 25
I spend time with a girlfriend. It feels good to get out of the house.

Sunday, April 26
I took all my sticky notes down when the visitors came on Friday.
I've forgotten several doses of meds.

Monday, April 27
I work in the yard. The sun is shining. My husband works late.

Tuesday, April 28
I feel weepy.
I ask my husband to call the doctor.  He refuses.  I am so upset by the receptionist that as soon as I hang up, I break down in tears.

Wednesday, April 29
I distract myself reading TBI-Work messages. I'm 700 messages behind.

Thursday, April 30
The doctor says I should regain what I've lost.

. . . . . to be continued

~ May Diary ~ ~ March Diary ~ February Diary ~ January Diary ~

[ flowers ]

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