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The Official GH RPG club (Yahoo!) Story Archive

GH fan fic/RPGers
have checked out this page
since 18 October 1999.

If you are not a member of General Hospital RPG Club on Yahoo!, welcome to our story archive. Those of us who have had a part in writing these stories LOVE reader feedback. We enjoy having our egos boosted. What writer doesn't, after all? If you would like, let us know what you think of our version of life in Port Charles, New York. I'll pass along all comments to the club members.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: We cannot lay claim to the majority of these characters. (We only borrow them temporarily.) Most of them are the creations of Robert Guza, Wendy Riche and others who have worked and continue to work for the great and powerful ABC. We are not making a single dime off of any of these creations.

Let it be known that a few of the characters contained in these pages ARE original creations of club members. (We don't make a penny off of them, either.)

No actors were actually hurt in the writing of these stories.

Any likeness to persons living, dead or otherwise is completely coincidental.

General Hospital RPG (Yahoo!)

"Homecoming Day"
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

"Policeman's Ball"
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

"After the Ball"
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve

"Snowstorm Excitement"
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
>Part Five

Current Club Cast List
Available Roles

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