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 Legal Stuff

How do I add the GH plus medication to my tank ?

Where can I find more information about Aquazone ?

Everytime I add the Neon tetra eggs that came with Aquazone to my tank they all die. What can I do?

All my fish have died. Is it possible to reinstall Aquazone?

What is Aquazone Deluxe?

My fish spawned a number of eggs but only a few of them hatched. What did I do wrong?

I added GH Plus to my tank but it didn't increase the GH level, why?

I am having a hard time getting my Pufferchrome eggs to hatch. What am I doing wrong?\

How do I take a Snapshot of my tank?

How do I add the GH plus medication to my tank ?

This is one thing that the folk's at AZ failed to mention and is the most common question I receive to date. When AZ shipped Aquazone they made all of the medications immediately accessible from the medications menu accept the GH Plus. in order to add the GH plus medication you must pull down the attend menu from the top of the page and select medication. The medication menu will open. Click on the Blue fish tank icon with the arrow pointing into it. Up pops a menu of all of the medications you have installed. Highlight the and clik the add button to the right. Each time you click the add button it will add 250mg to you menu. (Think of it as a shelf that you are adding your items to, most people think that they are adding it directly to the tank and avoid clicking on it).

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Where can I find more information about Aquazone ?

Go to the Aquazone website at

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Everytime I add the Neon tetra Eggs to my tank......?

Line the entire bottom of your tank with plants. The eggs are fragile and usually all die if they land on the gravel. Check my info page on breeding neon tetras for more information.

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All my fish have died. Is it possible to re-install Aquazone and get my fish back?

Yes you can re-install aquazone and get your fish back but you must first delete the Aquazone.bin file from you windows directory

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What is Aquazone Deluxe

This is what you get in the Aquazone Deluxe Package

Install an unlimited number of Leopard Catfish & Neon Tetra. You also get 5 Black Molly's, 5 Angelfish, 5 Red Phantom Tetra, 5 False Rummy-Nose Tetra. You also get 12 pre-conditioned tanks (Eden, Eerie, Hospital, Japanese Garden, Ludwig, Meltdown, Mercury, Moonlit, Natural, Tropical Forest, Velvet and Victory Garden).You also get 7 accessory Items (Anchor rock, Bogwood, Mangrove Stump, Moai, Sandstone, Thinker and Treasure Chest). 5 Plant Varieties (Aponoget, Bacopa, Barclaya, Commom Eel-Grass & Waterose). 4 gravel files (Aqua, Golden, Silver & Volcanic). 15 Backgrounds (Astral Hill, AZ-med, Bamboo Fence, Bark, Emerald, Flicker, Garden, Leaves, Milkyway, Neon Night, Speaker, Starry Sky, Wall, Wave & Woods).In addition there is an acc maker for making accessories both animitated and stationary. Ther is no change to the actual AZ program it is still version 1.5.

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I added the GH plus but my GH level didn't increase, why?

The GH plus medication has a bug in it where it takes much more GH than you would expect in order to get the GH level to rise. I usually add 3000mg of GH plus the first day and see how much the GH level rises. It takes about a day or two to get the full effect of the GH medication. Then add more ass necessary. Don't be afraid to overuse, I once added 10,000mg to a tank at once and it did not effect my fish, keep in mind that my tanks are 1284x768. You can find an extra large bottle of GH med on Batboys website so that you don't have to click on the add medication button a thousand times. Batboys GH bottle contains 30,000mg compared to AZ's 250mg. You can get to his site via a link from the links page on this site.

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My fish layed a bunch of eggs but only a few hatched. What did I do wrong?

Chances are that you didn't do anything wrong. It is very common for only a few fry to survive and sometimes only 1. If you repeatedly get zero fry than it may be a cause of concern.

You can find out more about how many fish of each species are common by visiting my breeding pages

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I am having a hard time getting my pufferchrome eggs to hatch. What am I doing wrong?

Dean Hamilton of Aquazone had released some important information regarding this problem in the news group. A copy of his post is below.

PufferChrome Special Announcement -
 Several people have indicated to us that they have run into problems
 breeding the Mekasia fish species, PufferChrome. They have not been
 able to get PufferChrome eggs to hatch successfully.
 We have investigated and have discovered that PufferChrome eggs are
 demonstrating sensitivity to specific types of plants that you might
 have in your aquarium tanks.
 It is recommended that PufferChrome fish be bred in tanks including ONLY
 the Barclaya and/or Aponogeton plants. No other plants should be
 present in the tank. Once laid, the eggs should not be moved. Once
 hatched, PufferChrome fry can be moved to any tank you choose.
 Thank you. Please let us know if you encounter any other problems.

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How do I take a screen snapshot of my tank?

In order to take a snapshot, follow these instructions.

1) open the tank that you want to take a picture of.

2) Press the print screen button on your keyboard.

3) Open up any paint program and select edit and paste from the pulldown menu.

4) export the pic in one of the following formats, jpg, gif, bmp

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