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Now Flora Goodcat is still a baby but she has led quite a life already. She had something wrong with one of her paws and was in a cast for a week or so, that is until her sister and her figured out how to get it off. Then it became a play thing for the two of them.

Their mommy walked into the hall way and there they were hitting the cast back and forth to each other. The vet said the little leg was healed anyway so they didn't put another one on her.

Knowing these two kittens I am sure they were disappointed that they had nothing more to try and work off of her and then play with.

Flora was also at the Blessing Of The Animals. Her adopted mommy held her while the priest blessed her. She was a very good kitty about it too.

Flora is a typical, mischeivous little girl with love in her face and eyes and a good purr motor. Who wouldn't love anything that looked like that. Flora and Gretchen have been a wonderful addition to the Goodcat Family.

Flora being blessed with Matthew her boy next to her and her Mommy holding her.


Amanda Goodcat             Chessie Goodcat


Flora Goodcat              Gretchen Goodcat

A Tribute to Amanda Goodcat

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Christine Dunne, Webmaster

Copyright by Christine Dunne, 2000, all rights reserved.