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Here is a collection of photos, pedigrees and interesting information on some of the foundation dogs of our bloodline and other ancestors of our present dogs. Some of these are dogs we personally knew. Others are well known dogs of the breed.
Click on the links below to view pictures and or pedigrees of the dogs. Use your back button on your browser to return to this page.

Aexis Griz-Olga Von Clark UD
Aexis Griz-Olga von Clark UD was a very dark medium sized bicolor bitch who was a fast accurate obedience worker. She also had a tough temperament and excelled in protection work. She was out of a father-daughter breeding (Rucklestrasse Aquarius x Wilshire's Radar Ravette UD). Count Windsor Aquarius UD was from a repeat breeding. This combination produced excellent working dogs, including police dogs, search dogs, and obedience workers. There were also a number of long lived dogs in this pedigree and dogs that were agile well into old age was also a trademark of this breeding.

Amber's Sire Alabama
Click on the link to see a picture and pedigree of Amber's sire, Sel Ch Alabama of Shiloh Gardens.

J-Glen's Amberac CD
This is a conformation show posed picture of Amber when she was a young dog.
This is a picture of Amber as a very old lady!
Pedigree of J-Glen's Amberac CD, GSDCA 13 Club
Amber was a very correct, stylish bitch who was very clean coming and going and produced it. She also had and produced high retrieve drive and a number of OFA progeny. She lived to be nearly 14 years of age. In the photo on the right, she is 13+ years old.

VA Arno vom Erlenbrunnen SchH3
This dog is an ancestor of Dise, (Yana's dam). Dise is behind a number of our dogs.

Asgard's Dale of Katzenjamer ROM

GVCh Aspen of Fran-Jo ROM

Avalon's Fancy Free ROM, OFA

Ch Awlful Good of Edan ROM

GVCh Baobab's Chaz ROM
1978 American Grand Victor Champion and sire of enough champions to earn an ROM, although he lived only four years (torsion.)

VA Bernd vom Lierberg SchH3FH

Bestest of Edan ROM

GVCh Bethesda's Earth of Jada-Edan ROM

Click here for pedigree & photo of V-Canto vd Ruine Falkenstein SchH3
Canto is behind Yette and her progeny. He was a nice looking dog with good conformation and working ability, and very nice temperament.

V-Canto vd Wienerau SchH2

ACCh Caprice Kitty Hawk ROM

Ch Caralon's Brix v Sentez

Cento vom Tiekerhook SchH1

Clovis vom Sahiela CGC
Here is a natural unposed picture of Clovis doing his favorite thing, playing!
Pedigree of Clovis vom Sahiela CGC OFA
Clovis was a high-drive German working linebred dog, and he produced high energy levels and drive. He was an extremely intense dark red and black sable (agouti) in pigment. He seemed to produce better structure and soundness when combined with some lines than with others. The ball drive and working ability (as well as energy level) came through regardless of the bloodlines of the bitches he was bred to.
Clovis died suddenly on March 20,2001, at 10:15 pm. He had shown no obvious illness or decline, his appetite and physical functions had been normal. Clovis was interred in a spot at the edge of the woods overlooking the creek, where he loved to play. In the picture above, he is shown enjoying the creek. He absolutely LOVED playing in the water.

Ch Cobert's Mariah of Windigail ROM

Cobert's Sirocco of Windigail ROM

GVCh Cobert's Trollstigen ROM

Count Windsor Aquarius UD
Headstudy of Count Windsor Aquarius UD
Count Windsor Aquarius "Windsor" UD was a very intensely marked black and cream with unusually distinct contrast between the colors in his coat. He was a great obedience worker and personal protector and companion of his owner. He excelled at protection work, being unusual in his ability to handle TWO agitators in the work.

Deb-Mar's Lucas conformation show photo
Deb-Mar's Lucas was a richly pigmented red agouti(sable) who accumulated 13 points toward his championship, including one major. He was a smooth moving dog of medium size. His dam was an unusually long-lived Shepherd, reaching 17 years of age. Pedigree coming soon.

Diesel vom Sahiela CGC
Diesel recently passed away peacefully in his sleep. Although plagued by a form of lupus during the latter half of his life, Diesel led a happy useful life. He pulled the wagon for the children to ride in. He was a reliable babysitter and firm and fair authority for many puppies and adolescent dogs. He amused many people with his handshaking (give me five) and dancing on his hind legs. At the same time, he was a reliable protector, although that fiercely protective side of him NEVER showed unless it was needed, so I only saw that side of him twice in his lifetime.) Diesel was truly an exceptional dog. Although some of his descendants have some of his qualities, and his 3/4 sister does also, no two individuals are ever the same so there will never be another exactly like him.

Dise vom Steinig Tal, GSDCA 13 Club
Dise was a large, very substantial solid black bitch, the dam of Waya Yana von Sahiela CD CGC OFA H/E, VwDNeg. I did not know her until she was nearly 8 years old, and I was lucky to have Yana, the only survivor of Dise's last litter (she had whelping problems due to age and had one live pup, Yana, who was born naturally and two stillborn pups that were delivered by caesarean section. Dise was spayed shortly after that and lived to be nearly 13 years of age. The combined effects of cancer and congestive heart failure led to her being euthanized when the necessary exertion required to live fairly comfortably became too much for her. She was truly a fantastic dog, excellent temperament, great structure (wish I'd had known her and could have shown her when she was younger!) Yana became one of our two most important foundation bitches and consistently produced good structure, temperament, and a high degree of hip and elbow soundness.

Ch Earth Wind & Fire of Edan ROMwhen he was a youngster.
Ch Earth Wind & Fire of Edan ROMadult picture

Ch Eisenberg's Aric
Click on Aric's name to see his picture. He is in a number of our pedigrees, particularly behind the Eberling bloodline dogs.

Ch Eisenberg's Quo Vadis
Quo is in our pedigrees behind dogs out of Rambo of Eberling. This picture is of him before he finished his championship.

Ch Eko-Lan's Morgan ROM

Ch Eko-Lan's Paladen ROM

Elvis vom Gruntal SchH1

V-Fedor vom Glockenstreit SchH3
This is V-Fedor vom Glockenstreit SchH3, sire of Waya Yana von Sahiela CGC CD OFA H/E, VwD Neg. She was Fedor's last progeny as well as Dise's. He was about 12 years old when she was born and Dise was 8! Fedor was a Boris Trogenbach son.

V-Gauss vom Stauderpark SchH3

Gildo vom Korbelbach SchH3FH
Gildo is a well known sire of German performance competition working dogs. He is behind Cerberus, and is one of a number of dogs from similar parentage that was prominent in working dog bloodlines.

Ch Gone With the Wind of Edan ROM

Ch Hoheneichen's Flint

AmCanSel Ch Hoheneichen's Magnum ROM ROMC

J-Glen's Jazzura CDX, GSDCA 13 Club
Jazzy was a fringe-type longcoat sable, a small stocky bitch with tremendous herding drive. Too bad that herding titles were not offered in her lifetime, she would have easily earned them!

J-Glen's Sicological Terror, CDX,OFA

Jareaux Boston of Clayfield ROM

Ch Keggi-Fair's Amaretto
Click on Amaretto's name to see a picture of him. He was Keenah's sire (Hexe's grandsire.) His bloodlines are similar to those of the dam of Ch Caralon's Jedi v Brookwood, who is behind Boco. These lines produced a number of nice quality blacks, although sometimes a bit fine boned.

Kickin 'A" zum Sahiela OFA CGC<
This is Boco (Kickin "A" zum Sahiela OFA CGC), sire of Chelsea and Tripod. He was the most independent GSD I have ever seen, and this independence and ability to "tune out" made him the most difficult GSD I have ever trained in obedience. He was used little for breeding because of the independence, a temperament I did not want to bring into my lines (and I did not know if it was hereditary or not.) None of his few progeny had his independent temperament, except for one and she did not possess it to nearly the degree that he did (and she was NOT sold as a breeding dog, but went to a working home with an experienced person). He did produce consistent physical strength and good hips. I liked a lot of the dogs and lines in his pedigree, and I have so far been unable to find out where the independence trait came from in his ancestry. Boco was placed in a pet home with an experienced dog person who needed a good family companion and protector.
In the lower lefthand corner is "Woogums" a three-legged rescue cat. He lost his leg from injuries when he was hit by a car. He was approximately three years old when I rescued him and vetted him for his injuries (and had him neutered!). He lived another ten happy years.

GVCh Kismet's Impulse vom Bismark ROM

Ch Kubistraum's Kane ROM

ACGVCh Lakeside's Harrigan ROM

ACSel Ch Lochwood's Sundance v Stuttgart

Mikah's Miracle by Prestige ROM

Nanouc vom Bungalow SchH3

V-Nico vom Haus Beck SchH3

Ch Pairadice Huganut

Sel Ch Pappillon of Fran-Jo
Click on Pappillon's link to see a picture and pedigree of Amber's grandsire (and Alabama's sire) Pappillon.

Ch Proven Hills Jock Hoheneichen ROM

ACSel Ch Proven Hills Up 'N' Adam ROM/C

Quanto vd Wienerau SchH2

Raebark's Cunning Cobra CGC OFA
Cobra is a black/tan agouti who combines the best of both of her parents in strength and soundness. She has a number of outstanding progeny and descendanats, and proved to follow in her dam's footsteps in producing a high percentage of good hips.

Raebark's Charismatic Cat
Kitty is a black/tan agouti (sable) of elegant type and beautiful feminine head. She was feline in tastes, as she absolutely hated to get her feet wet or dirty! Kitty was a daughter of Trouble and her sire and Ursa's sire were litter brothers.

Trouble & Ursa Comparison
Raebark's Doubble Troubble OFA and her daughter Sahiela Ursa vom Raebark, are pictured at the above link. Trouble is the sable bitch on the left and Ursa is her black and tan daughter on the right. I have often used these two side by side images to show how closely a sable and a black and tan can resemble each other as adults. Another of Trouble's daughters who greatly resembled her is Raebark's Charismatic Cat "Kitty" who was an agouti(sable) whose appearance is very similar to Trouble's.
Raebark's Einstein OFA
Einstein was a son of Clipper, who left many outstanding progeny and descendants. Einstein was a strong contributor to establishing beautiful clear rich colors in our bloodlines, including beautiful silver sables and black and silvers (the silver gene passed down to Einstein from Barry, through Diesel, and this branch of the line continues to be an important producer of good rich CLEAR colors).

Raebark's General Schwarz
Raebark's General Schwarz was the sire of Tanzenhexe vom Sahiela, CGC OFA H/E. He was substantial and a bit overangulated, which when combined with bitches needing substance and angulation, produced very nice structure and good angulation. Below is pictured his daughter at 11 months, and her dam at 3 years, side by side. One can easily see the improvement in substance between mother and daughter, which was one of the main reasons this breeding was made. Keenah, the solid black dam, is on the right, her black and tan daughter by General, Hexe, is on the left.
Substance Comparison of Keenah & Daughter Hexe

Sahiela Raebark Total Eclipse "Clipper"
Clipper was Diesel's litter brother, who leaves many progeny and descendants to carry on his legacy.

Raebark's Skitzofrenic Flair OFA
Raebark's Skitzofrenic Flair "Skitz" was a litter brother to "General" above. He had excellent sidegait which he passed on to his progeny, including his daughter Ursa, who even at 9 years of age, still moves effortlessly.

Rucklestrasse Aquarius "Caesar"
Pedigree for Rucklestrasse Aquarius, ptd "Caesar"
"Caesar" was a large, structurally correct dog of his era. I personally don't know much of his history, although I have been told that he had very good temperament and possessed much charisma in the show ring.

Sel Ch Stuttgart's Sundance Kid ROM/C

Ulrich vd Wienerau SchH3

Walkoway's Fireball of LeeMar "Kaz"
This dog is the sire of "Retto" and grandsire of Keenah. Unfortunately, he was also an epileptic and although today it is not much of a concern (due to the fact that he is long-dead and doesn't seem to have been very heavily used) in the past I advised against any kind of inbreeding or linebreeding on this dog as a wise precaution. We never got the problem because we made sure to check pedigrees and outcross breed. This is why pedigrees are like roadmaps in breeding, a knowledgeable person can see potential trouble spots or potential improvements, and make their breeding plans accordingly.

Walkoway's Giggles "Jessie"
Pedigree for Walkoway's Giggles ("Jessie")
Jessie was a very pretty bitch, quite similar in appearance to her sire, Danang, and typical of Reno descendants. Wilshire's Varrick was probably the progeny that most resembled her, he was a very beautiful, large substantial version of his mother.

Wilshire's Edsel CDX Headstudy
Pedigree for Wilshire's Edsel CDX, Ekol, Erin
Wilshire's Edsel CDX is the dog pictured in the above headstudy. Ekol and Erin were his sisters. Click on the link to see the pedigree for these dogs. Eddie was a large, deep chested rich red sable. In fact, Eddie was deep enough in chest that it affected his ability to clear jumps (and this was back when GSDs had to jump 1 1/2 times their height, unlike today.) Ekol and Erin were also sables, nice in structure.

Headstudy of Wilshire's Radar Ravette UD
Wilshire's Radar Ravette UD was a typical working style dog of her time. She lived to be a week shy of 15 years of age, and was agile and physically strong until shortly before her death. Although she lacked angulation, she produced nice structure when combined with show lines, and added strength and working ability. Her progeny also proved to be producers and their influence still can be seen in some present day descendants.

Wilshire's Zorne Blitz
Wilshire's Zorne Blitz was a large bicolor son of Rucklestrasse Aquarius. He greatly resembled his sire. Pedigree will be posted soon.

Yellow vom Karlmitblick SchH3IP3
Yellow was the sire of Clovis and Sprint. Interestingly, his score for the SV's zuchtwert system of hip production evaluation was based on a single progeny that was whelped in Germany. By that one figure, it could be assumed that Yellow was not a particularly good hip producer. OFA DATA IS NOT CONSIDERED in this fairly recently implemented SV system! Both Clovis and Sprint OFA'd Good on hips AND Elbows. For any system of evaluating soundness producing ability to work, ALL progeny from any one dog has to be evaluated and included in the total, to get any true picture of producing ability.

Ch Zorba von Bleibtreu ROM

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