Click on the dog's name to view his pedigree.
Oden aus der Eller Haus CGC, OFA H&E EXCELLENT!
Odie is a large well muscled dog with excellent mental and physical balance. He has a lovely head and ears. He is a dark saddle black and tan two-tone in color and pattern. His progeny are very nice structurally, with excellent social temperaments and willingness to learn.
Odie is OFA Excellent and OFA Elbows.
Wartortle vom Sahiela "Rebel"
Rebel was a dark black & red carrying the black recessive. He had a magnificent head, similar to that of his grandsire Raebark's Blaze of Glory.
Where's Waldo?
Where's Waldo of Edan OFA H/E, CGC
Waldo was a large, substantial, beautiful masculine dark red/black agouti (sable) dog with impeccable temperament. He's also becoming kinda spoiled, because he's a sucker for pizza crust and the kids readily oblige him! He also loves it when girls come to visit (although I don't appreciate him waking me up in the middle of the night because he wants to go outside and find girlfriends at ungodly hours!)
Zahori Gengar vom Sahiela "Gengar"
Gengar is a substantial dark black and silver male who is an excellent producer. He and his two litter brothers were named by the children before they were weaned-for the ghost Pokemon; Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar. Gengar greatly resembles his dam, Crista. For that matter, Crista greatly resembles her dam, Hexe. I would love to one day line the three of them up (which also represents three generations!) and take a picture of them together, to show the very strong resemblance they bear to each other.
The Foundation Page
is where you will find Clovis vom Sahiela CGC OFA's information now. He passed unexpectedly on March 20, 2001, at 9 1/2 years of age.
Sahiela Raebark Keiko Compante
Keiko is an agouti(sable) who carries the recessive gene for solid black. He is out of contemporary show lines. His first litters are on the ground now, and it appears that he is going to produce very nice substantial pups with beautiful, but not overangulated, structure (bred to bitches of moderate angulation). He also carries the gene for the silver marking color.
Keiko is proving to be a good producer, coming from a combination of bloodlines that is yielding a high rate of soundness, overall balanced structure, substance and good secondary sex characteristics, intelligence and working ability, and excellent temperaments; progeny that can protect and work, and yet be calm in the house, that are correct and balanced in structure but not overly extreme, in other words with the versatility that the ideal GSD is supposed to have.
Below are some of Raebarks foundation stud dogs. To see their current studs, visit their webpage at Raebarks Website
Raebark's Wagging Dragon OFA
Dragon is a rich black and red agouti(sable) saddle pattern dog of excellent structure and balance. His pedigree is of a combination of lines that have produced very sound dogs with excellent conformation, a good track record of physical and mental soundness, and trainability. He is from a litter that included Best of Breed winners.
Raebark's Flash In The Coals, Raebark's Silver Freighter
FLASH is a large rich red and black agouti (sable).
Photo and Pedigree of Freighter
FREIGHTER is a very dark black and silver agouti brother from a repeat of Burner, Flash, and Bounce. Both Freighter and Flash are at stud at Raebark. Dogs from these litters have proven their ability to produce substance, balanced, correct structure, rich pigment (very distinct reds, very distinct clear silvers), and excellent temperament and working ability-which is why we have a number of dogs from these lines around-because of their excellence!)
Photo and Pedigree for CP
Raebark's CP Survivor is a large saddle patterned black and tan agouti(sable) very much reminiscent of the famous movie GSDs of the 1950s in appearance. Maybe he earned his name from watching too much CBS TV lately-and he didn't get voted out! He does want to get voted IN-to entertain girlfriends and leave them handsome progeny for souvenirs.
Click HERE to see CP's Pedigree
CERBERUS is from German and Holland working lines, dark black/red sable, now at stud at Raebark. He is a very substantial, powerful dog with supreme confidence and working drives, typical of the bloodlines he is out of. He favors his sire, Cento v Tiekerhook, greatly in appearance. He carries the gene for solid black.
MYSTERY-Raebark's Enigmatic Mystery
Mystery is a large, substantial dark bicolor black and silver of the old-fashioned type (not overangulated, and with large bone and good breadth of body-a powerful dog in appearance.) Although he is moderate in angulation, he has great balance and unusually good topline, croup, and tailset. (Every breed has its strong physical points and weak physical points. Correct toplines, croups, and tailsets are hard to find and hard to maintain in breeding.) His pedigree combines high intelligence, working ability, well-balanced muscular structure, and very strong hip soundness. His litters are very young, but so far he's producing robust, well muscled strong pups with excellent pigment, temperament, and substance.
Click the link below to see Mystery's pedigree.
Mystery's Pedigree
Raebark's Super Groovy Lewin
Lewin is a dark silver and black agouti (sable), his pedigree will be posted soon. He combines show lines, working lines, and lines consistent for producing good hips.
Raebark's Heaven Sent Saint
Saint is a black and tan male who has unquestionable courage and determination, after surviving injuries from a severe puppyhood accident and learning to love life in spite of disabilities that resulted from the accident. He has proven to be a good producer too.
Click here, find the date your bitch was bred, and see when the pups should be expected (based on the 63 day average gestation.)
The youngest a puppy can be born and survive is considered to be 58 days. Before then, the lungs are not developed enough. Many litters are born between the 61st and 63rd day. Although 72 days is considered the longest a litter can go before whelping, I personally have had only one litter born after the 63rd day from first mating, a litter of three that was born 65 days after the first mating. It seems that the larger the litter, the greater the likelihood that the pups will be born on the 61st day or earlier. The best precaution to take is to begin familiarizing the bitch to the whelping pen and keeping a close eye on her two weeks before she is due to whelp.
Visit Raebark kennels at their own website Raebark's website