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Alsree: Keeping Memories Alive

About Me








Ahlan!!! name is Sharifah Munirah Bte Syed AbuBakar Alkaff, but everyone calls me Mun (moon) - that's me down there (cute huh!! hehe).




I am the second child of my parents, namely,
Syed AbuBakar Bin Syed Alwee Alkaff
Sharifah Zainah Bte Syed Mohamed Alsree.



I have 2 other siblings -
an elder sister,
Sharifah Aisha Alkaff
& younger sister,
Sharifah Zainab Alkaff.
Not forgetting the 1 & only brother-in-law of mine,
Syed Nagib Alkaff.

    We've got a new member in the family....!!!
A baby girl named Aliyah...

That (above) was taken when she was almost a year old...






The reason for this website...well, it actually started as a school assignment but then, it got kind of interesting, added to the fact that most of the materials needed was already stored inside the computer.
Moreover, as what my dad had said, and I quote,
"the youngsters nowadays don't even recognize who's who in the family...if someone doesn't do something about this, we won't even be remembered in time to come...", unquote.
Soooo, to prove my dad wrong, that we really do care, I created this website.

So that's the whole story.
I hope you enjoy surfing through this website which is dedicated to all Arab Family Clans all over the world.



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