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Alsree: Keeping Memories Alive

The Alsree Chronicle





Syed Hussein
Salim Alsree





Syed Hussien bin Salim Alsree was from Hadramout. He was a merchant who came East, got married and settled in South East Asia - first in Batavia, Indonesia, then in Singapore. He had 3 children, all now deceased: Allahyarhumah Sharifah Noor, Allahyarhum Syed Salim & Allahyarhum Syed Alwee

Syed Salim had 2 sons & 4 daughters, namely,
Sharifah Fatimah, Allahyarhumah Sharifah Rogayah, Sharifah Mahani, Allahyarhum Syed Hussein, Allahyarhumah Sharifah Aisha & Syed Ahmad.

Syed Alwee had 5 sons & 10 daughters, namely, Allahyarhum Syed Abdul Rahman, Sharifah Seha, Allahyarhum Syed Mohamed, Allahyarhumah Sharifah Aisha, Syed Abdullah, Sharifah Zaharah, Sharifah Bahya, Sharifah Shifak, Sharifah Salmah, Sharifah Maryam, Syed Omar, Sharifah Zainah, Sharifah Noor & Sharifah Zubaidah. The youngest son named, Syed Hussein died at a very young age.

All of them grew up in Singapore, where there is a sizeable and closely knit Arab Community. Now, the family has grown through marriage. There are the Alkaffs’, Aljunieds’, Alidrous’, Alsagoffs’ and so on.




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