Minor Arcana

The minor arcana, forerunners of modern day playing cards, are divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. The fact that there are four suits has symbolic significance. In ancient times it was thought that the world and everything in it was composed of a combination of just four things: Air, Fire, Earth and Water.



The Wands are of green wood that retains a few live twigs and leaves, signifying growth and springtime. They are sometimes used as a club in fighting or as a staff to carry a victor's crown. Their position in relation to other cards in a spread will determine if their energy should be interpreted as constructive or destructive.

When you think of Wands, think of ideas, growth, ambition and expansion, because Wands are the conception or "seeds" through which the tree springs forth. They are the original thought, intention or primary element of growth.



With the exception of the Five of pentacles, these cards all depict people either working or enjoying the fruits of labor. The coin-like discs are pentacles, inscribed with pentagrams, five pointed stars that are the time honored symbols of Man. Pentacles symbolize money, industry and material gain.
When you think of Pentacles, think of manifestation, because Pentacles are the end results of ones labor. Many in a reading indicate conditions are taking form.



Swords symbolize aggression, force, ambition, courage, strife and misfortune. Many cards of this suit depict fighting or people who are bowed down with misfortune. They represent the world of action, both destructive and constructive..
When you think of Swords, think of movement, struggle and actions, for Swords are the act. They often indicate problems and the difficulties man must move through in order to turn a thought into reality.



Cups are associated with water, a symbol of the subconscious mind and the instincts, and of emotions and imagination. They are the cohesive factor in the development of manifestation and signify the marriage of thought and feeling.
When you think of cups, think of emotion, desire, inner experience and the spirit. Cups are the bridge between the original idea and the next stage, the action.




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