Major Arcana

When a major trump card appears in a reading, the inquirer can expect significant life changes and feelings of considerable importance. The 22 Major Arcana often refer to workings of fate, to personal transformation and life dramas.

The FOOL , the first of the Major Arcana ( 0 ) , has been placed before the remaining 21 cards, for he symbolizes you, me, everyone. The cards that follow are the qualities we acquire and the life experiences we must go through if we are to have the type of spiritual realization shown in the last card, the WORLD. The Major Arcana have their own numerical hierarchy, beginning with the FOOL as he embarks on his journey  of human development through the steps of the Tarot. By the time we reach the 21st card, life's lessons have been learned at last and the we attain our highest point of development.

Pay attention to the story that unfolds inside the images on each card. The clothing worn by the figures, the objects surrounding them and their postures and gestures are all considered important to their interpretations. The FOOL's journey begins as follows:
The young man on the card is about to embark on a journey and appears young and fresh and full of potential. He is looking skyward, apparently unaware of the abyss at his feet. His faithful dog is barking, warning him of the danger of leaping into the unknown. 

The Fool

The Magician

The High Preistess

The Empress

The Emporer

The Hieroplant

The Lovers

The Chariot


The Hermit

Wheel of Fortune


The Hanged Man


The Tower

The Star

The Moon

The Sun


The World



Wicca Index

Tarot Index

Minor Arcana