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Friends Of The
Border Patrol

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You Can Help Today!

We need your help today to continue to fight against illegal immigration, and help support the Border Patrol. Can you you help Save Our State by making a donation today?

Please click on the Make a Donation Link located below to make an electronic donation to our campaign. Your donation will be made through a secure website located at Please follow the instructions on the page. Many will recognize PayPal if you have made a purchase at Ebay. You will need to print and mail in the form at the Volunteers Page.

You can also send a donation by clicking on the Volunteer link, printing the form, and mailing that in along with your donation through the US Postal Service. The information requested on the form will help us comply with the FPPC's financial reporting requirements.

It is important to let your family, friends, and co-workers know about our campaign's efforts. Contact them and e-mail our info, so that they can be informed and help Save Our State, too.

With your help we can inform the American public, support the Border Patrol, support the Culberson Amendment, and defeat bills giving driver's licenses and other taxpayer financed public benefits for illegal aliens. Together we can make a difference and help Save Our State!

There are no contribution limits – you may contribute as generously as you can afford.


You may also mail in a check (payable to "Save Our State") to:

Save Our State
P.O. Box 5250
Buena Park, CA 90622

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