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Press Release - 1

S-O-S Denounces Racist Rally

Ron Prince, Chairman of Save Our State and co-Author of Prop 187, denounces and disassociates himself from a rally to be held in Redondo Beach, CA on Jan. 15, 2005 at 10am. The Redondo Beach rally is sponsored by Joseph Turner and his new organization called “Save Our State, Inc.”.

This new organization is not affiliated with Save Our State, the political action committee that was responsible for Prop 187. Mr. Turner was not involved with Prop 187 and does not represent its supporters.

Racist public comments by Mr. Turner such as “Bring your bats, fellas. If we are lucky, we are gonna need them. PING!” are contrary to the purpose and mission of S-O-S. Racism and neo-nazi thuggery are not representative of California’s voters who support legitimate immigration reform. Save Our State political action commitee denounces this racist rally, and urges its supporters not to attend and not to be confused by the similarity in names.

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