farewell adeline's brand new cd realease, "the five mistakes lonely people make," a 35 minute long cd-r venturing from foot tapping folk melodies, to echoing piano ballads, and heartfelt acoustic confessions. though not yet subject to critical acclaim, i happen to like it, so what more do you need? if you need more convincing listen to it on mp3.com
if you'd like a copy please simply email me and ask for a cd, that's right it's absolutely free! Why, you ask? Well to make a long story short it's because we want to make the world a better place! Plus if we were millionaire rockstars you could just download it from the internet anyway:
farewell adeline
make sure to include your return address!
the songs are:
story of a man
the bitter consequences
runaway confession
a faint smile
pieces of a letter
hitting bottom
never been kissed
sad old men
heart for a song
the sandbox once
Email: farewell_adeline@hotmail.com