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This website was created by John Spreier


This web site and its collective links contain documents, lyrics, music, pictures, programs, songs, videos, and works of art for the purpose of education, enlightenment and entertainment.

Any and all documents, lyrics, music, pictures, programs, songs, videos, and works of art contained on this web site or through its collective links are for private use and enjoyment only (other use of any kind is strictly forbidden) and remain the exclusive property of John Spreier (with the exception of the copyright to (some of the) animated gif, java script, (some of the) jpg, and programs which remain the exclusive property their respective authors) and may not be altered, copied, reproduced, or resold in any form without the express written consent of John Spreier.

If you choose to download any of the materials (listed above) from Barnyard Sounds, you hereby agree to be personally liable and to fully indemnify John Spreier for any and all damages directly, indirectly and/or consequentially resulting from your attempted or actual downloading of the materials (listed above) from Barnyard Sounds, alone or with, or under the authority of, any other person(s), including, without limitation, any governmental agency(ies), wherein such damages include without limitation, damages resulting from loss of revenue and/or property, fines, and attorney's fees, including, without limitation, those generated by prosecution and/or governmentally imposed seizure(s), forfeiture(s), and/or injunction(s).

John Spreier does not endorse any of the third party communications links available at Barnyard Sounds for electronic dissemination. You are therefore advised to use your own judgment to evaluate all of the third party communications links at your own risk. John Spreier is not liable for damages resulting from disseminating, failing to disseminate, or incorrectly or inaccurately disseminating any any of the materials (listed above) or any of the third party communications links. John Spreier has no financial or other interest in, nor owns any third-party communication links which may appear in, at or through Barnyard Sounds.

Barnyard Sounds is not affiliated with any company or organization other than Barnyard Sounds. No inference of association or affiliation with, or endorsement by any company or organization is intended nor should it be inferred.

This website was created by John Spreier Brought to you by Barnyard Sounds

This website has been visited by millions of people

Click here to send e-mail to John © Copyright 2002-2009 Barnyard Sounds. All rights reserved.