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So far we've received some great questions about Freehold. Instead of just answering the e-mailed questions over and over I decided to post some of them here for everyone... need another question answered?
How is Freehold different from other anthologies?
It's not an anthology. There, that's different. Actually it is more of a collaboration between myself (Armand) and a host of other authors that wanted to join in the experience of writing in another person's world. I created all of the basic information about Freehold and they created new characters in the world.
What is the basic idea behind Freehold?
Freehold is the largest empire in the world, having conquered most of the known surrounding countries. The king of Freehold has a birthmark (the Mark of Deauxama) that makes him the rightful king. There is no more magic in the land and hasn't been for over 200 years.
Is this like Thieve's World and/or Wild Cards?
Yes, I suppose it is. I loved the original Thieve's World book when I was a teen and utilized some of that idea in my original Dungeons & Dragons campaigns growing up. I have yet to read Wild Cards but guess I need to make a trip to the bookstore asap.
It seems intimidating to me to join in. Can I just jump in and write?
Not really. Or maybe. As the first books are being written (the first series, Monroi Pass, is nearing completion) there will not be new authors joining in. Once the three books are done I will post a "Call To Arms" via my mailing list (join from my main webpage at ) asking if anyone is interested in joining in, but then you'll need to be familiar with the first series and the world created by coming back to this website as I add more and more information to it.
I have an idea for a cover. How can I get involved as an artist?
Right now we are using a great artist named George Patsouras for all of the covers in the forseeable future. We wanted potential readers to be able to immediately identify the books in the series by the cover art.
Do you accept anyone or is there a minimum number of writing credits needed?
We accept anyone who wants to join and can hold their own. The eight writers that made it to the book have very varied writing credits and are at different points in their careers, but I wanted people who could work in the unique setting of having to write every day and get critiqued every day to get the best story possible.
How many books will there be altogether?
There will be four series' worth of books, each a trilogy. So twelve books will make up the initial series, although plans are being formed for other one-shot novella releases from select authors as well. I always love going into Barnes & Noble or Books A Million and seeing dozens of books from certain series' like Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance. I'd like to put out as many books as I can, as long as the audience is still into the books.
How did you come up with the concept for Freehold?
In around 1986 (at the tender age of 16) I created the world of Freehold for a massive Dungeons & Dragons campaign that took up about 18 months of my life. I never forgot about it and have written dozens of short stories (unpublished) set in the world. I decided once Carnifex Press was rolling I would get it started and see what happens.
Freehold, by the way, is the actual seat of government for Monmouth County, New Jersey, where I grew up. It's also where Bruce Springsteen grew up and where a bunch of horse farms are. And a big mall that I worked at years ago.