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Freehold short fiction

There will be further information posted on this page about how to get involved

Once the first trilogy is completed I will contact Authors who have expressed interest in joining in
Once they have been offered spots (if available, of course) I will then post a "Call To Arms" via the Carnifex Press website mailing list

Once you've been selected for a specific series a link to a Yahoo Group created specifically for that series will be created, as well as a generic Freehold group where everyone can join and post as writers

Everyone will have a much better chance of being accepted by taking the time to read through the information we will offer on this website as well as reading the first trilogy and getting a "feel" for the world.

The other trilogies and book titles:

The Deaxa Series
Book I: The Mad King
Book II: King Stefyn
Book III: Deauxama
what's it about? from the POV of Stefyn, starting with the sword fight in "Freehold: Southern Storm", mostly in Deaxa and filled with political intrigue

The Ghourlesh Series
Book I: Betrayal
Book II: The Lost Company
Book III: Harwood
what's it about? from the POV of Nicholai, from the beginning of his life to around 35, he's a Northlander and the series will be his many adventures in Freehold and the Northlands

The Twins Series
Book I: Beggars & Thieves
Book II: Vengeance
Book III: Angus & Cory
what's it about? from the POV of twin brothers Cory and Angus Harwood, being chased by White Lions and their adventures

This isn't the order of the books, but an idea of what they will be. PLEASE ask questions about them, either via e-mail or at the Forum.

The eight writers from the Monroi Pass trilogy will each get a shot at one other trilogy, but I will need eight writers total for each set, so there will be plenty of room for new writers.