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Interested in joining the Freehold project?

Some key points...

There are a total of four trilogies in the Freehold series, which are detailed here. The first trilogy is being written now, with the first book available and book two and three in final re-writes.

On August 1st I will be opening Yahoo groups for the other three series' of books and looking for potential writers for those books.

Each trilogy will have an average of 8 writers and myself. Each writer contributes 2 stories to the three books, for which you will be paid 5 cents per word (each story will run between 3,500 - 5,000 words). I will write the beginning novella to open each book.

The Yahoo Groups are also a great setup for critiques as the stories are being written... it keeps us on track and let's the other writers know where we all stand.

Initially I will be accepting about two dozen writers for each trilogy, knowing that some writers won't have the time to be included for the long haul and some will simply not like the critique-as-you-go structure. In the end, I will pick 8 writers for each trilogy, so I'm looking at adding 24 Fantasy writers, less the original group members from the first trilogy that wil be staying aboard for another shot at another trilogy.

I'm not looking for "name" writers or veterans of Fantasy... I'm looking for good writers with the time to spare to give us something great. For the first trilogy we just recently added a writer with no writing credits, but a person who has read the first book and wanted to jump in and write with us. I envision a nice mix of writers for these trilogies like we have for the first set. Of course, Fantasy writers with some credits under their belts will be appreciated as well, especially names in the small-press markets that I read myself.

What do you need to do if you're interested? First, read over the entire Freehold site at Freehold site for the latest news and ideas about the books.

It's not a mandatory thing, but those taking the time to read the first book released will gain a wealth of background information about Freehold. To that end I am offering a discount on the first book for a limited time to potential writers for Freehold:

$9.99 plus $2.00 shipping gets you the first book, Freehold: Southern Storm - Monroi Pass Book I. That is a $3.00 savings off of the cover price. Just use the button below to purchase the book now

Unfortunately for those writers in Canada and foreign markets I will need to raise the price to cover the shipping costs, since I would be taking a huge loss on the book just in shipping, so a couple of bucks to offset it will help me... all orders outside of the continental US will be $11.99 plus $2.00 shipping, still a savings of $1.00 and $2.00 more off of the shipping usually incurred. Just use the Buy Now button for non-US orders:

The writers that choose to read the book will have the advantage of knowing the world as well as the writing style we are looking for. Buying the book does NOT guarantee a slot for you but it increases your chances by knowing more than others to get you started.

If you belong to a Fantasy writing group or have friends in the field, let them know as well... I am looking for a nice mix of writers interested in furthering Freehold.

There will also be opportunities for spin-off novellas and short stories as well. Right now, two of the writers are working on prequel novellas to their original short stories, and more will follow. Again, this is a paying market and once you get involved there are many chances to get published.

Another opportunity for Freehold writers will be Clash of Steel Magazine coming in 2007 from Carnifex Press. In each issue I will have a Freehold story printed, an all-new tale from one of the writers paying five cents per word. Yet another opportunity for everyone.

All books will be on the Carnifex Press 2007 and 2008 schedules.

Are you still interested? E-mail me with any and all questions... Ideally, I'd love to hear from everyone interested in the project and get to know them a little bit beforehand. I'm also available for phone calls if anyone is interested as well. My e-mail address is