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DoveThe Healing Zone dove

Anne Osterhaus

She is a serious spiritual aspirant and have been self healing since 1980 using various self-help methods and support groups.
In her journey to bring her physical and spiritual natures into alignment; to function as one, "To shine own self be true", she has become increasingly aware of the many aspects there are to being happy, healthy and "whole".

Most of her own healing work has been with the psyche and has gone on to include the energetic and physical aspects of the being. Which of course is what "Holistic" medicine is all about...the WHOLE body and being.

She has spent many years studying Philosophy, Theosophy, Ancient Texts and writings from many belief systems: Buddhism, Native American, Wiccan etc.

She is very tied to the earth, nature and it is here that she has gained the most knowledge about how to live life. She is very curious, loves to research and if it makes sense to her then she experiments and applies the method to herself. She has a firm belief in the power of the mind and the ability of the body to heal itself. She believes that when we are at ease there is no place for dis-ease.

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