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DoveThe Healing Zone dove

A Holistic Approach to Health



Please contact the corresponding practicioner for any of the following treatments.
Visit the Staff page to find her phone number or email address:

Reflexology Treatments and classes
Reiki Treatments and classes
Healing Touch for People and Pets
Quantum Touch
Sacred Geometry
Swedish Massage
Integrated Energy Therapy (I.E.T.)
Intuitive Consultations
Dream Analysis and Interpretation
Crystal Energy Healing

Disclaimer: All our treatments are meant to be complementary and do NOT take the place of traditional medicine or veterinary medicine.

All treatment sessions take approximately one hour.
Prices subject to change without notice.

We offer aromatherapy classes in your home and other meeting places.
We also offer different types of classes, workshops, and lectures.
Please contact Sandy for days and times and to reserve a place for any classes or lectures.


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