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"Time is too slow for those who wait,
too swift for those who fear,
too long for those who grieve,
too short for those who rejoice,
but for those who love, time is eternity."
-Henry Van Dyke

It takes courage to step beyond what is confortable, predictable, and known.
Courage is a gift.

"Courage faces fear and thereby masters it" -Martin Luther King, Jr.


Do you think this is strange? You might have thought that God has to choose you.

No, this is not true; God loves all his children equally. We have the same opportunities to be chosen. All depends of our elections, we decide with our free will.

You only have to think what you want for you and your family: do you want a peaceful world, with love, and happiness, where everyone is respected, where there is no poverty and injustice, where everyone takes his/her place?
Life is like a picture, where each of us is a brush mark, if you are doing something that you don't like, it is because the brush mark is in a bad position, and at the same time there is someone taking your place and that person does not feel good either because he/she is in the wrong place too.

You are a very important brush mark, because all the brush marks make the beauty of Life.
You are very important; your place is only yours. You are a unique spark of light, a Life manifestation, different from other manifestations, as different as the leaves on a tree.

Everything is different in the Universe.
You have a mission to accomplish.
Your mission is only yours.
You chose to come to this world in this moment of crisis to work on yourself and Humanity.

Don't you want to accomplish your mission?
Or do you prefer to go through Life without making a difference?
You probably want to accomplish your role.
If that's true, then...
What are you doing for you and your brothers?

Just for today
Just for today I will be happy.
This assumes to be true what Abraham Lincoln said, "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!

The Healing Zone

A Holistic Approach to Health
Sandy and Friends

September, 2010


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Message from Judy Brown
The chill of autumn is in the air and First Thursday is fast approaching. Hope to see you on Thursday, Oct. 7, at Friendly's on Rte. 741 across from Hobby Lobby. We will begin promptly at 7. If you want to order food, please arrive a bit early so we can have our food before we get started. As usual, feel free to bring a friend. If you prefer, forward this to those in your address book who might be interested. See you on Thursday.
October's topic: Who/What makes me who I am today?

My favorite book of the moment is Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited by Walter Semkiw, MD The author's premise is that many of the luminaries of the from the American Revolution have reincarnated as a soul group during our lifetime in order to effect a spiritual revolution in today's world. The paragraph below is from Dr. Semkiw's Prologue to this book. It seemed like a good topic for discussion. Read through the questions and spend some time considering the impact on your own life. We'll discuss at the October 7 meeting.

"To gain a sense of personal identity, let us consider the following: Look back at your life and reflect on the most important events in your memory. If you are a parent or grandparent, think about your children/grandchildren and what they have meant to you. Think of your career, work, your high-school years, grade school, and kindergarten. Reflect on your romances, the important love(s) of your life. Think of your current friends and those closest to you in prior periods of your life. Reflect on events that led to the formation of your personal philosophy and the people who helped to shape your world view. Think about the events that made you happiest and the times when you were the saddest. Then consider what your life would be like if you didn't have any of these memories. What if these life memories didn't exist? What if they were different? Who would you be? The point is that our identities are based on our memories, our experiences, and the people with whom we have shared our lives. If you didn't have these memories, your identity would be a blank - or would they?"

Spend some time this week thinking about the questions above. At the meeting, we'll discuss the questions and share our stories about who we are, where we've been, and our plans for the future. See you on Octobe 7!

I could be happy if…

"Yes, but if you lived in my situation, you'd understand why I'm so miserable.
If I had everything you had (or looked the way you do, or didn't have to…), I'd be happy, too."

On the surface, this statement is understandable and human.
We tend to agree because some circumstances seem unfair, are more difficult and do require more coping; and there are some people who do seem to "have it made."

Until I faced this hidden belief, I continued to think I had a deep faith in God and denied that I was agnostic in some areas of my life.
I discovered that I believed in God, but did not believe He would help in any way with my current problem.
This admission shocked me so much that I immediately prayed, "Of course I believe you love me and will take care of …" the words fell flopping to the floor, and I knew I was lying. So I started over and asked to be willing to believe.
After admitting this to myself, I could start "acting as if" I believed, by behaving the way I wanted to become.
That made it okay; not a lie anymore, because God knew why my behavior didn't match my feelings yet.

This process changed me and I came to believe.
When I believe in His power, I can make the decision to live (with God's help) a reasonable happy, serene life.
This does not mean I walk around glowing all the time.
(I might even have to remove myself from a situation temporarily or permanently.)
But it does give me a place to start over when I think, "I could be happy if…"

From: Courage to Change


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