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DoveThe Healing Zone dove

Rev. Deborah Hept

Rev. Deborah
Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant, Reiki Master Teacher, I.E.T. Practitioner Level III,
E.F.T Practitioner, Spiritual Counselor, Past Life Hypnotist, and Instructor of Metaphysical Topics

She has over 22 years of experience working with clients doing private readings and healings. She will meet with clients in her office for readings and energy treatments. Telephone readings and energy work can be done by phone only for persons living out of state. As a Psychic Medium she brings messages to you from loved ones who have crossed over. She holds a Healing Circle once a month. Past Life Regression Therapy Hypnosis is done in her home by private appointment.

She is a skilled Instructor in Psychometric, Kinesiology, Dowsing & Pendulums, Energy Work, Reiki, and A Course In Miracles, Chakra Reading & Energy Balancing and Past Life Regression Therapy. She instructs classes monthly. In her healing treatments she can utilize many modalities: Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) which works with blocked cell memory on dimensional levels; Reiki Energy; Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT); Chakra cleanings & balancing. or Spiritual Counseling.

One of her first loves is to share by teaching those who are on their spiritual journey. She believes in the personal experience being the guiding light for awakening your awareness on your Spiritual path to enlightenment. “Group” is held the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Here everyone learns to grow in their spiritual awareness. All can experience meditation, energy work and new and enlightening topics.

Reverend Deborah was ordained in 1997 and is presently an Associate Minister with "New Light Temple Ministry" of Dayton , Ohio. As of March 1, 2009 New Light Temple Ministry will hold Sunday Sacred Celebration services at 1:30pm with Study Group before service at 12:15pm Come and join her, Rev. Carol Winkfield, Vision of Unity voices and people of like minds. It is truly a spiritual experience. She composes and performs personal wedding ceremonies for couples, funeral services, writes poetry, songs and does Spiritual Counseling.

She is also the Community Leader for the Bruno Groening, Circle Of Friends in Dayton. Bruno Groening teachings are about The Spiritual Way to Heal. These gatherings are held every third Monday at 7:00pm. Persons need to attend an Introduction prior to coming to a Bruno Groening Community Hour.
Rev. Deborah and New Light Temple hold all their gatherings at the Murlin Heights United Church of Christ located at 8616 N. Dixie Drive, Dayton, OH.

Call Rev. Deborah at 937-890-5620 or email her at for private appointments.



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