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artistic director




electronic press kit

frequently asked   questions

contact us




























How do I join the group?

For information on joining the group, contact Angie Tysseland by email at her email address shown under "Contact Us".

The number of spaces in the group is limited, so you may have to wait to join.  You may also be requested to meet with Angie Tysseland for an interview or audition. 

There is an annual fee for belonging to the group, which will be discussed with you at the time of your interview.

How often do you practice?

The group practices once a week, on Wednesday evenings.  Additional practices are sometimes scheduled before a performance.  

How often do you perform?

The Refiners has a number of bookings throughout the year.  We also perform a vespers service at St. Jame's Church once a month, and the occasional church service.  You should be prepared to perform an average of twice a month.  Christmas is particularly busy, at which time you may be expected to perform more frequently.

The Refiners also will have some out-of-town performances.  Where the performance requires an overnight trip, the touring group is a smaller group of approximately 25 singers.  Depending upon the availability of group members, and each member's knowledge of the repertoire, touring performances are rotated among group members. 

What will you expect from me?

You will be expected to attend most of the practices and performances (with the exception of touring performances where the number of group members is limited.)  If you are not able to attend a practice or performance, you should let Angie Tysseland know that you will be unavailable. 

While it is not a requirement that you read music, you are expected to learn your music between practices.  If you cannot read music or do not have a piano readily available to assist you in learning the music, you can download music notation software for the purpose of transcribing the notes and playing back the music.   The Refiners sing without music sheets, so you will be required to memorize all of your music.

You will also be expected to assist with some of the chores which keep us running smoothly -- setup and take down, office tasks, grant applications, tour arrangements, publicity, and similar functions.